

  • On a serious note, drinking water that has finely crushed ice in it 30 minutes before running will actually help you run longer! When your body starts to tire, that cold will keep it in gear for an extra 10-15 minutes or even longer! Other than that... choose your workout clothing wisely! It may look nice in the dressing…
  • I agree with losing the weight slowly. If you lose it too fast, you will likely have excess skin. You have to lose at a gradual pace, not only to keep it off for good but to give your skin time to readjust - just as getting too big too fast will give you stretch marks and damage skin elasticity, getting small too fast can…
  • I've always had knee problems because I've always been heavier. I don't like taking meds when I don't have to so my doc told me to do a specific exercise that you can do during down time to help strengthen. Lay on your back, make sure your ankle is at a 90 degree angle (as if you were standing) and simply lift your leg…
  • Like the rest have said, thank you for sharing! This poem is definitely a keeper for me. : )
  • First off, good for you for sticking to eating healthier options when it comes to snack time! That can be such a hard thing to do. If you pair up your fruit with some 100% whole wheat crackers and some light cheese you've got an even better snack that meets more nutrient needs and will make you feel more complete. Fruits…
  • I have quite a few of their DVDs and I love, love, LOVE them! If you're going to do any video workouts, these ones are made by bigger people and are made for real people... no crazy-buff people doing a memorized routine that is impossible to follow! I'm a bigger girl and I have done these videos with my sister - who works…
  • I use the Biggest Loser workout DVDs and they seem to really help. The workouts can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as you want them to be. They're made by bigger people instead of fitness buffs who have memorized a routine so normal people can actually do it! Haha. My sister is a lot smaller than I am and she works…
  • I actually just bought the 'Biggest Loser' scale as Walmart has it on sale, haha. Seems to be doing the trick! Some of my friends have used it as well and it seems to be true to all of us so this far, I can say it works good! : )
  • I was experiencing the same things and it turns out I was anemic. If you haven't seen a doc or can't get in soon try things like grapes, raisins, pomegranate, beets and red wine along with your obvious choice of red meats.
  • Good for you, girl! Keep it up. : D