

  • I know how you feel, but no worries there are plenty of friendly people here to back you up! I remember the first post I ever wrote about feeling like I'm starving and someone decided to let me know I'm not starving because I still get so many calories, I felt hurt right off the bat, but then people encouraged me to ignore…
  • You can do it!! Of all people I know that you are very capable!
  • I'm in your same boat. I've noticed that I have smoked more now that I have been dieting. I was at about... 6 cigs a day, and in the past week it's jumped up to almost a whole pack. Any advice to just get that craving to go, I've heard sugar free gum or lolli's... any ideas?
  • Amen to working at McDonalds making it hard, I was a manager at McDonalds for six years (I'm only 22) and after leaving it has made it so much better. But what I found helped me a lot was a side salad w/ grilled chicken... it helped tide me over, and if it's okay w/ your manager (it was with our store manager) bring vegies…
  • If not meant to sound mean, it was actually a bit on the rude side. You have to understand I come from eating probably over 3000 calories a day; so to me this is a HUGE difference. As to everyone else, thank you for the advice and the ENCOURAGMENT :)
  • Wow, thank you all for ALL of the advice! It's so nice to see that there are so many idea's out there to kick the hunger. I have been slamming back the water (16glasses yesterday) which for me is triple what I usually drink and I went to the grocery store to find some high fiber, high protein snacks. Today I am feeling…
  • Oh my goodness I just browsed through some of your food journals for ideas, and I think I see my key problem, high calories snacks, and not filling meals... mhm
  • All of you guys are fantastic, thanks for all of the tips. I really like the lemon and salt on the carrot I'll have to try that.
  • I appreciate all the feedback! Also I guess one more question then, my diary always says I'm "over" my protein which is frustrating cause I'm hungry! But I do exercise nightly for an hour like I said, I just have a hard time eating afterwards even though I'm alloted those, because I feel like I just worked off the daily…
  • I did weight watchers in high school with my mom and while she had great success (she lost 80lbs) I didn't do very well. I feel that MFP not only gives you the option to come on everyday, every hour, any time, to not only write down, but to get encouraged on your weight loss journey. It really is helpful because I know if…
  • Thanks for the reply to my post, and let's keep each other in check! We both can do it, not only for ourselves, but for the special people in our lives. You can do it!