Newbie Here (Let's be Fitness Pals)

Hi All...

I'm new to the Community. My name is Hiawatha, you can call me Hia ( pronounced Hiya) if you wish. I started using myfitnesspal on Monday (Jan. 31st) via my Ipod. What a great App and website to help us all reach our weight loss goals. I'll be turning 30 years old next year January. I have high blood pressure and I 'HAD' really bad eating habits. This is the year for me to loss weight and change the way I eat from this year forward. I have a 18 month old son and he's my every reason to succeed on my weight loss journey. I gained 40 pounds in the last 18 months, shame on me. I'll be getting married this year and I want one more child. I believe my excessive weight and unhealthy eating habits are the reason we can't conceive. We've been trying for well over a year, if my weight is the reason...I want to fix it asap. I want to shed this weight so I can be a new mommy.

I want friends! Anyone is welcome to be my friend. Let's encourage one another. Thanks for reading.


  • ilovecannoli
    Best of luck!
  • herbiemancock
    I'm always here for some competitive weight loss :)
  • jessit72
    Thanks for the reply to my post, and let's keep each other in check! We both can do it, not only for ourselves, but for the special people in our lives. You can do it!
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Hi and welcome aboard!!! This is a great site with lots of encouraging people!!
  • TheFatChronicles
    TheFatChronicles Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome to the fold. With all the encouragement and success stories from and on this site, you are sure get rid of those 40 pounds.
  • Morninoonight
    Thanks all, l knew this was great community to join.