lindsaykey Member


  • I have sortof been wondering something along these lines too...I'm not new to working out, but I was always SUPER sore after a really hard workout, especially legs. I hardly ever drank enough water. The past three weeks or so I've been forcing myself to drink the water my body needs per day and haven't been sore in the…
  • Knowing that I have a month long trip to Africa in the summer, and will be in LOTS of pictures that all my friends and family are going to see. It would just make me feel better if I could look at every pic, with a tan, toned body and know thats the best i've ever looked.
  • as a zookeeper, you are totally right on the dangerous part. however, if the hippos have been raised in captivity, as most have by now in the US, they would probably me much more afraid of someone coming in with them than protective. They are terribly neophobic creatures, and do NOT like anything new in their enclosure. At…
  • Maybe he doesn't have the money to go out and do things all the time. Also, the time that she spends at his house may be the only time they are ever alone, and can relax with just each other. They both sound like good kids to me, and it could be much worse. Also, keep in mind that her friends probably probably give their…
  • haha! love it! and I love the lipstick, i would apply it all day, every day. because i absolutely cannot pull it off
  • occupation: full time student working on BS in Zookeeping Technology :D also work at a doggie daycare! dream job: animal keeper/wildlife rehabilitator/conservationist for endangered rhinos
  • I'm in! I'm not looking to lose any weight really, but gain some muscle. For the past two years I've been saying I want a 6 pack, even if its just for a few months, just to challenge myself. If I'm going to ever have one in my life, this would be the time! I'm REALLY bad about eating right/tracking my food, so maybe you…
  • 21 here too :smile: 5'3 125 lbs Size 2 or 3 jeans depending on the brand
  • One that I use when looking for inspiration is, they are grouped into categories, so you might be able to find what your looking for quickly, or you can just browse through all of them. I can look at that site for hours! Good luck!