aharburger Member


  • Commenting because I have the same start and end goal. Currently 185, looking to get to 155. I have done this before and over the past 4 years I gained it all back, so I'm probably not the best person to give advice. But my plan is to eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc and less junk food, stick to my calorie goal…
  • Sounds like me! Dropped 35 lbs on here in 2014 and maintained for about 6 months, but when I stopped logging my calories and actually, ya know, exercising, creeped back up 15 lbs. I'm ready to feel good in my skin again :)
  • Hi ladies, I am mostly in the maintenance phase now, but would like to lose 3-5 more pounds and tone up by my wedding in May 2015! I would love to give support, and I think this will motivate me to actually log my food and get moving more!!
  • I did that for the first 5 or 6 weeks because i was doing the program to get in shape for my first 5k, which was after week 7 i believe. After I ran the 5k I decided to start back at week 5 and repeat days from here on out since I'm not trying to meet a deadline. My advice is to repeat days a few times if you feel you need…
  • I like that wording, and its true. When I admire someone at the gym (*not staring* i promise!) its always because they have something i aspire to!
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I want to clarify that she was not wearing headphones and she was working out with a friend. If I had complimented her I would have done it in passing with a smile and walked away. And since this was the first time I noticed her, i couldn't exactly note any improvement :) Maybe a targeted…
  • haha! i didn't know other places guessed for you? I suppose that shows how bad we might be at ID-ing the weight of some criminal lol... that's what its for, right?
  • Wow! That's great!! I weighed in at 150 today so maybe I'll count that as being only 1 pound short rather than 2 :P
  • I didn't quite make it to 149.. I weighed in today at 151.2, so still a 4 pound loss in 6 weeks! I think now that I'm nearing my goal the going is a lot slower. By the end of January I should be around 148/149 at this pace! How did everyone else do? Happy new year!
  • wow you look incredible! and great idea to lift the spirits on hard days. way to go :)
  • cool thanks for sharing that too!
  • SW: 183 (4/25/13) CW: 155 GW 12/31: 149 I think I can make it, and I really want to be out of the 150s finally! I think this is really good motivation, too. Great topic! UGW: 143...maybe 135, I see when I get there.
  • Congratulations!!! You are fabulous! I'm at the same place as you and BOY was I amazed at that 20 minutes. Good luck on Week 6, I'll be running right there "with" you!
  • Today I completed W5D2! I can't believe I ran for 8 minutes straight, twice! I know you all probably felt the same amount of accomplishment at this point. Tomorrow I will tackle to 20 minute run and I am nervous about the big jump! If i've learned anything so far it's to slow down. So I will try to run at my current 5.3…
  • Oh my gosh, THIS would be amazing!
  • TL;DR I just bought new bras and the rest will just have to wait!! I haven't lost quite as much as you but I'm definitely in the same boat. the size 12 shorts i bought at the beginning of summer/my weight loss now are so big that I dont have to unbutton them to pull them off. So i'm now on the smallest setting with my…
  • I have lost 27 lbs and probably 2-3 sizes, but I don't know for sure because I haven't bought new clothes! Right at the beginning of my weight loss I had to buy a whole new wardrobe because I was busting out of everything I owned. I'm a broke grad student, so belts and dresses are my friend right now until the weather gets…
  • Maybe now it works? For those of you who have commented thank you so much! You guys rock! And you're right, I'm a lot more confident now, no more hiding my face from the camera when showing my tummy to the internet!
  • That's awesome! Good for you!
  • Its not giving me an option to create an album and the site doesn't match photobucket support or the MFP image upload thread screenshots. I think the problem is that it automatically went into a "Mobile Uploads" folder and I can't seem to move it.
  • Thanks AlterJ. And I do hope you try again! even if you spread it out, it still counts :)
  • Any of you guys still doing this? I just finished L3D2 today and I'm feeling a bit discouraged because the scale hasn't moved since I started. I keep telling myself its muscle gain, but its hard to confirm when the tape measure hasn't moved and I dont have a BF% calculator (before or now).
  • Wow! You look great! How tall are you? Also, how many cals have you been eating to lose 17 lbs in less than 6 weeks?? You look healthy but that seems fast!
  • Hey guys hows it going now? No one has posted for a few days. I missed 2 days this past week so I just finished level 2 day 3. Its killing me! Not so much soreness but just endurance-wise. I'm hoping I build up to it like I did with level 1 though. No more regular push ups here! I find the walk out press way easier maybe…
  • Thank you! Yes thanks for reminding me- it will be hard to stay within my cals for those days but hopefully I'll be so close to goal that a few days splurging here or there wont ruin my progress :P And from what I've seen here, the closer you get to goal the slower the weight loss goes. Congrats on your loss too!
  • I'm the same way. I highly recommend the snack size weight watchers fudge pops. They're chocolaty (YAY!) but only 45 calories per bar. I love chocolate and ice cream but I'm terrible at keeping my portions small, so these are perfect. Case in point- I ran out the other day and was craving peanut butter + chocolate and made…
  • Update: I just finished level 1 day 6 and I feel so much better! On day 1 i thought I was going to die and the next 4 days were spent pushing through even though my whole body was sore! Yesterday (day 5) I starting doing regular push ups for the first set and only modified ones on the second set and MAN they are hard! I…
  • You may also try using a standard sized dinner plate that has a bold border. That way you just train yourself to stay inside the lines! I can't promise it will work for everyone, but it helps me cut back on going back for seconds if i have a large plate to begin with.
  • I also started Monday so today is day 3 for me. And i'm not planning to take a rest day but after day 10 if I feel i need it before moving up a level I will. Man my legs haven't been this sore since I danced competitively in high school. And to think I have to do it again tomorrow! I am totally in it though and am happy to…