tidzkowski03 Member


  • I'm in! Hopefully I can log 24 hours this month. 1.9 so far! 24 running, 65 bike riding, 25 running.
  • Oh my, this looks good. Pizza is one of my FAVORITE foods and this is a healthier alternative to regular crust!
  • My situation is about the same, my kids are teenagers and my husband works a physically demanding job 12-14 hours a day. I have finally decided my motivation was doing this for ME! I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing "what I let happen". I want to look in the mirror and see "what I am creating". It's not even so…
  • How did you manage that? I'm jealous! I just had a vacation too and overate everyday...it was mostly the beer! Well worth every calorie tho, LOL! Not sure how it will affect if you go back to normal, maybe just add a few calories each day and see what happens?
  • Personally, I don't agree with either. From everything I've ever read or heard: Slow and steady weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week is most sustainable. Weight may come off faster initially due to water weight loss, or faster fat loss, but as another post said, you want to lose fat, not muscle. I try to never skip breakfast. I…