

  • Massages are good on a regular basis, I found this while training for my marathon. 1. It helps release toxins in the body (that is why you should drink lots of water after a massage). 2. Typically natural oils are used in massage (Sandlewood) that also help condition the skin....since your skin is the biggest organ of your…
  • Never met a woman lifter that had a problem finding clothes that made them look incredible...the heaviest lifting woman cannot exceed her genetic patterns for size unless she uses steroids. Lifters will only attain the best muscle and fitness rendered by their genetics and everyone has a good genetic make up for being fit…
  • @Redredfox - No, not an engineer
  • @Redredfox - Air Force Crew Chief
  • @Redredfox - Air Force Fighter Pilot!
  • @Twiggypal - Cliff Diver
  • Additionally, it has been proven losing more than 2-3 pounds a week can be dangerous due to the toxins that are released. Where he had a medicially supervised fast it is different as they could monitor and flush the system (I suppose control on water and eletrolyte would help), but I would never advise anyone trying a long…
  • Wonder if he is the one that is getting the walking papers. :sad:
  • Awesome Post. I joined in Spring 2011 and was training for my first marathon. Although I had worked out all my life, MFP and posts like this helped get my diet/mind right. Use of a scale to assure right portions and avoiding processed foods as much as possible, as well as avoiding eating out helps a great deal too. So true…
  • I have seen a few times that even diet soda adds 7 pounds a year if you consume just two a day. Many runners also say the carbon dioxide cuts your wind when running (more difficult to manage O2 levels). Many studies reveal drinking between 64-100 oz of water a day can help you drop weight and Bob Harper's (Guy from Biggest…
  • So sad to hear this is the last season, love Dexter! Never knew Deb and Dexter were married IRL and just divorced or that Dexter has cancer. Don't know what could ever replace is my mainstay show! ;-)
  • FDA Pyramidius- Multi-headed hell-dog that spews mysterious mounds of enticing matter to lure its prey into complacency and acceptance of its fat latent methods. Once its prey consumes, it feels powerless to break Pyramidius' bond, as it hypnotizes them into a false sense of security with the known good gods Veggiterus and…
  • Each person is different. Having worked Blood Bank as a Lab Tech and worked with ARC taking blood from donors, it is really more of an individual look at your iron in my opinion. You are tested for Iron levels and cannot donate unless you meet minimal levels. I have noted those that donate with close to the minimum are…
  • Having worked in the medical community, dealt with similar issues in my own life, and learned the hard lessons of losing loved ones I understand where you are coming from. I am sorry for your loss. I also know everything happens for a reason and many times we punish ourselves for things we could never have controlled, you…
  • Did a session (90 days) of P90X while using Shakeology and had great results. I was also running a lot, but I was in the best shape of my life by the end. Had not seen my abs for 20 years...then they magically started to appear. Running again and ready to start another session to get rid of the last 20 pounds. Been using…
  • Cancer removal and hernia repair in 2008.
  • Simply an amazing change to your life style! Kudos!
  • On Chapter 20. Am writing a novel and had a few romance elements, so picked this up as my first romance novel. OMG, not what I thought it would be. Have to admit, it has and will change my writing forever more.
  • If you do not eat back the calories to assure you only have a deficit between 3-400 calories a day, then you will put your body into starvation mode and it will hold on to as much fat as possible until your body feels it is safe to release it...many plateau when they workout like crazy people without eating back the…
  • Watch the Dr. OZ episodes if you want some good REAL evidence of what works. He does a good job of looking at all products and researching their value. He has also had many Beachbody/Shakeology interviews you can watch to make some comparisons. I loved when he had Montel Williams on with another product and while not…
  • So, a leading cardiologist and multiple doctors and certified dietitians are morons and you have all the answers. Who is diluted? When you are ready to take the challenge and speak to these experts yourself, let me know, I have them in my can speak to experts yourself (noticed you did not take me up on that!)…
  • lol, another person with under their picture profile that is bashing Shakeology....seems they have had a bit of training as each of them is using the same tactic to take on a highly successful product with their unknown business interest. Funny how their site charges you $10 a month for nothing but…
  • lol, another person with under their picture profile that is bashing Shakeology....seems they have had a bit of training as each of them is using the same tactic to take on a highly successful product with their unknown business interest. Funny how their site charges you $10 a month for nothing but…
  • lol, ah No. Try a little experiment like I did....go to his profile, click on his pictures, the site comes up right beside his picture as it does for a few others on here bashing Shakeology....not a difficult concept to put together. Sorry you are finding it a challenge.
  • I am not hiding and bashing others on every blog post as the people are. I did not mention you in my post at any point...sorry if you are feeling defensive when you were not even part of the post. I share what works for me, so when I got the Acg67 attack, as he has done to so many on here, I wanted to be…
  • or which you are trying to promote as you bash Shakeology to get everyone's attention. They have a nice challenge on their site that will cost only $9.99 a month....but I am sure you are not doing any of this for money as you accuse others of are you??? You are wasting your time with Acg67. He poses…
  • Wow that is funny. EVERYONE, simply look at his and Acg67's profile and you will understand. They are promoting It is easy to attack an industry success to get the attention you need to promote your own much smaller business interest. Nice! They get paid for people using their site by their…