

  • i like diping cucumber strips into low fat dairylea. a couple of ryvita crackerbreads with some primula cream cheese with chives is also one of my favourite snacks :)
  • 2 weetabix with semi-skimmed milk and a bit of sugar on the top. Only 198 cals and it keeps me going till lunchtime. also, although i'm up about 6.45am i only have water and a cup of tea before i leave the house - i eat my weetabix in work at about 8.15am.
  • i suffer terrible pmt water retention but i've been on mfp for 6wks now and i can seefrom my diary that most things i have eaten in that time have zero or minimal salt in them. This month my symptoms are almost non existant - my stomach hasnt swollen and although i can feel my uterus preparing for the inevitable its…
  • i feel your pain :( unfortunately tho it's not just about the extra 5lbs - you should see my stomach swell. :( i wouldnt mind but my period only lasts 3 days but i have two weeks prior of painless cramps etc - so frustrating
  • thanks everyone - i'll keep an eye on my sodium intake - i dont add salt to food except when i'm boiling veg so i'll start checking for it on food labels.