Could try Walden Farms stuff? (0 cal 0... almost everything?) For us they're in the same aisle as the regular dressing but ask an attendant if you can't find it. I will warn you, responses to them are... varied. Some people like'em, some people think it's the surest sign of the apocalypse. You won't really know 'til you…
Doesn't bug me, really. Not on other people, anyway (I'm a little bitter about mine 'cause I was never technically overweight, but I still have lots, oh well!). I know some super skinny guys who still have stretchmarks in places like their lower back and armpits and stuff. At most I find them oddly fascinating, but not…
My maid of honor is smaller than me... can I ask her to gain a little weight? j/k j/k Gonna have to agree, I don't see how "look nice (according to my standards) for my wedding or else" is at all any kind of incentive to continue whatever friendship they might have. Except I can see people agreeing because they want to…
Same here by about a half inch (on the right). It only really bothers me with stuff like new jeans; comfy on one leg, tight on the other (never underestimate what a half inch can do I guess!). The rest of the time, who cares XD We're probably to only ones who are going to spend time analyzing ourselves that closely anyway.…
"Among the men who drank a lot of soft drinks or other drinks with added sugar, we saw an increased risk of prostate cancer of around 40 percent," I read the article, but it doesn't seem to mention diet soda, or have much bearing on soda at all if it's including "other drinks with added sugar."
It's been a long time since I looked at this stuff, so there might be new studies, but is this list taking into account that many people who are overweight or diabetic would naturally gravitate to low-calorie beverages in an attempt to control their condition? And that, particularly in the overweight group, there are a…
Sucrose is basically just table sugar, it's something to keep an eye on, but you don't have to avoid it outright. That said, we have Florida Natural and "Essential Everyday" (Jewel store brand, might be Albertson's in your area) orange juice in the fridge, and neither have HFCS or sucrose listed. Florida Natural lists…
Nine or ten left to lose, but maybe less. Just trying to lose a couple inches up top so I can zip my dress up without being squeeeeshed! I read that about 10 lbs is usually a size-drop, so here's hoping.
Cheese tortellini in red sauce, macaroni and cheese with peas, pizza (Papa Johns does a killer spinach alfredo...), cheesy chicken breast (double threat if breaded chicken strips with a cheese dip)... geez, I could go on, and this is just meal-type stuff! Don't even get me started on snacks or appetizers! "Healthy" food,…
Plenty of people will go on about chemicals and whatnot, and others will say they hated the fakey taste. Personally I tried the chocolate sauce and found it alright, not awesome, but brightened up a rice cake if I wanted something crunchy and sweet. I want to try some of their other offerings sometime, but they run pricey…
":P thank you dear... I love you <3" My bf had just called me a sicko ("corrected" to sicky), 'cause I had a touchy tummy for a couple days.
Fish of any kind. I want to like it, I really do, but I... I can't! *wah* I'm still holding out hope though; I used to not like mustard when I was little, maybe in a few years I'll like fish. I WISH I didn't like cottage cheese, because cottage cheese and pineapple is a mega-treat for me, and I can be quite dangerous with…