ironlady10 Member


  • Remember your body is adjusting.. it will pull resources (water retention for one) and anything else while it adjusts and realises that the food you have eaten it can't hang onto. The only true way of looking at weight loss is 8 weeks, 16 weeks and so on because during that time, those few weeks inbetween - your body is at…
  • Yes take Quark instead! Much better! Just try one pot and you'll see what I mean! You get it in most supermarkets!
  • I have found that at GNC too, you may find one or two that know what they're talking about. Glad you did'nt take it and knew better.. Keep up the wise choices!
  • I will add you as a friend - you can achieve your goal because its what you want - no one else! Every day is an accomplishment - log it on MFP and share with us!
  • They're not bad for you but anything in saturation/too much of is always bad - moderation is the key! I get serious stomach cramping from bananas.. I love them but I cant eat them for keeling over and staying on the floor for about an hour until the cramping subsides
  • Both are excellent. If you can't run yet then walk the distance you'll still feel a sense of achievement!
  • that's kinda creepy. It's probably more of a feeling of the person than his age. I once remember a woman on a treadmill next to me who kept shouting instructions to herself to go faster and calling out her distance every few metres. It was kinda strange and rather off putting :-/
  • British Military Fitness at the weekend and one run a day min 1.8 now up from 1 mile a week ago with alternate days for upper, lower and core weights