Oops I meant shrink my pregnancy weight!!! But ok!!!! I've heard different things!!!
Look up how many calories you can eat to maintain a weight of 140 pounds!!!! They have calculators on weight maintenance!!!!! It will ask for your gender, height, and put in the weight of 140!!!! It will calculate how many calories you can eat each day to keep that weight!!!! I'm cutting back many calories a day right now,…
That's a great idea, rewarding yourself most the time with something else other than food!!!!! I'll keep that one posted!!!!!
I am new at this losing weight thing!!! Can you help???
I just wanted to make sure I'm getting enough calories!!!! The whole can was 200 calories, but yes, I will be getting protein later.
What ones do you recommend and I'll start that too!!!
But then maybe it is the soda! Started to use Stevia sugar in my iced tea and drink it mOre than soda pop!!!
Eat whole grains and lots of fruit and vegetables! Running in place, lots of sit ups!! Still clueless to this thing!!!!
I am five three and tree quarters, 162-166 pounds!!! Gained fifty pounds during pregnancy!!! Yikes!!! I eat pretty healthy. Maybe a little too much soda sometimes but that's it. Maybe my exercise routine is wrong I don't know.
Excellent idea!!!