Need lots of help to lose weight!!!

I have been working out for over three weeks but pretty much stay in the 162-166 pound range!!! I've been working hard but feel depressed because I haven't lost any weight!!! I had my baby four mOnths ago and want to lose forty pounds!!! Can you please help me! I'm so sick of being fat!!! My goal weight is 125 pounds, but I havent lost any yet!!! Help!!!


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Hi there, we need a little more info to help you out.

    Please post your current Height and Weight. Thanks =)
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    W irking out how? Eating what?
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It is an 80/10/10 effort to lose weight. 80% of weight loss is what you are eating, with 10% being exercise and 10% being rest.

    Eat as much fresh, whole foods as you can stand. Avoid anything that comes out of a box or restaurant. Canned stuff should only be used rarely.

    Exercise 3-4 times a week and get plenty of rest. The weight loss should follow.
  • Marylisssy
    Marylisssy Posts: 25
    I am five three and tree quarters, 162-166 pounds!!! Gained fifty pounds during pregnancy!!! Yikes!!! I eat pretty healthy. Maybe a little too much soda sometimes but that's it. Maybe my exercise routine is wrong I don't know.
  • Marylisssy
    Marylisssy Posts: 25
    Eat whole grains and lots of fruit and vegetables! Running in place, lots of sit ups!! Still clueless to this thing!!!!
  • Marylisssy
    Marylisssy Posts: 25
    But then maybe it is the soda! Started to use Stevia sugar in my iced tea and drink it mOre than soda pop!!!
  • mkocol
    mkocol Posts: 18 Member
    You should maybe consider drinking a protein shake instead of grabbing something unhealthy. I have already tried plenty so I can recommend some.

    Good luck! :)
  • Marylisssy
    Marylisssy Posts: 25
    What ones do you recommend and I'll start that too!!!
  • cheery72
    cheery72 Posts: 1 Member
    I use Carb advantage EAS, with 1/2tbls peanut butter. I blend it in a personal blender bullet type) with 5 ice cubes. I have this every morning and every other day early evening before my Zumba class. That's my recommendation for a protein shake
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You might consider opening your diary so people can offer suggestions. What's your calorie goal for the day? Do you eat back your exercise calories? Are you using a kitchen scale to weigh and measure your foods?
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I am five three and tree quarters, 162-166 pounds!!! Gained fifty pounds during pregnancy!!! Yikes!!! I eat pretty healthy. Maybe a little too much soda sometimes but that's it. Maybe my exercise routine is wrong I don't know.

    Describe what you think "pretty healthy" means. There is no magic formula for weight loss beyond eating at a deficit (taking in a few less calories than you burn) and exercising "some" to maintain and tone your muscles (and many here have lost weight without any exercise beyond normal daily activity). Carefully log EVERYTHING you eat. You'll probably have to weigh or measure (as appropriate) to know the "exact" calories (there IS a difference between one TBL of peanut butter and five TBL). Once you know what you eat that maintains your weight (since you're not apparently really gaining or losing, what you eat now is maintenance for your current weight), if you cut off a few hundred calories each day, you should start to slowly lose (a deficit of 250/day is approximately equivalent to 1/2 pound loss per week; 500 is about 1 pound per week; I wouldn't cut further than that). It probably helps the most to cut out most of the empty calories - like pop and juices with added sugar - and concentrate on nutritionally dense "whole" foods (stuff that is minimally processed). This doesn't mean you can't eat anything in the "junk" category - just that "most" of what you eat should be "healthy" and you should think before you eat the "junk" (use portion control; know what a portion actual is - one little "single serve" bag of chips might be labeled as 3 portions, so the bag has 3 ties more calories than what appears to be the case at first glance)
  • courtniesolis
    courtniesolis Posts: 19 Member
    It is crazy on how much factors in with losing weight. First I would try and cut out soda all together. Seems lame BUT it helps! Also drink lots of water. A lot of people I know that have upped their water intake have lost more LBs. Another thing is getting 8+ hours of sleep helps. HOWEVER that is hard with babies. Honestly just keep at it. Maybe add in some more cardio. You will get to where you want to be, just don't quit! :smile: :smile:
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    Make your food diary complete and honest. Review your past days of food entries to spot problems in terms of unhealthy food habits. I love diet caffeine-free Dr. Pepper, but I've switched to water--and right now, with the scorching temperatures, I've allowed myself Trader Joe's sparkling water (orange or lemon flavor).

    Think hard about your favorite healthy foods--make a list & keep these foods on hand. Get as much in-home exercise as you can (old adage: don't lay down if you can sit, don't sit if you can stand, & don't stand if you can walk). Maybe you've stalled because of sleep deprivation or dehydration; add hours slept to your food diary notes, so you can see patterns there.

    With a baby in the house, don't beat yourself up over a stall; just keep trying to do the right thing--in my aerobics class the instructor's motto is "Do your best and leave the rest" (..."don't sweat the rest").
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    Cut out any sodas (full of sugar and calories, yuck) and choose water or iced tea, something with low to zero cals. also track your food on here and set a healthy calorie goal for yourself and a good work out plan. start with taking walks. you say you just had a baby a couple months ago, right? take your baby out for a nice walk. if you don't wanna walk (which to me is the best exercise) then simply dance in your house or even clean! cleaning burns a lot of calories when you move fast and put a lot of effort into what you're cleaning. if you're like me and don't like to try those work out videos or don't have money for any gym equipment, try these simple exercises. if you eat right and exercise, you will surely lose the weight. don't be so hard on yourself, it'll come. be patient and it will come. trust me. :)