I confess that I'm a dirty smoker.:smokin: I confess that I have a love for cycling.:heart: I also confess that I awkwardly stare at girls while I'm shopping.:blushing:
That's scarily true. 0.0
Didn't like my tie collection.
3 days. Pfft.
I have 2 tattoos myself, both are on the underside of my forearms and parallel in placement. I do plan on getting more in the future, I don't truly believe that you can have too many tattoos so long as each tattoo has a meaning to you and you don't regret getting it.
A burly santa
Happy and content
I don't know my disney characters that well so.. Princess Attina
Well...that's interesting.
I'm not allowed to people watch, I've been told it's rude.
Someone who is intelligent and down to earth.
This is one strange thread but.. why not! I'd buy ya a drink, maybe twelve.
I'll throw a 7 at you.