_Emma_Problema_ Member


  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1759548 I got this on the first page of a google search. I'd have to look through my notes and computer folders for more papers because the coursework I did on the physiology of obesity was a couple years ago in undergrad. But it's pretty well established within the scientific community.…
  • Yes, yes. We all know that. I think they teach it in high school bio. It's by no means a shocking idea that evolutionarily speaking we want to create energy stores. But how does that translate into it being 100% a personal choice? Do you really believe our minds and our bodies are completely separate? That's incredibly…
  • You know, for a site where "because science" get said often as a mantra, it's surprising how little people know about the scientific research surrounding obesity that isn't about losing weight but why people become overweight or obese in the first place. There are genetic factors to it, just like being gay. The genetic…
  • I squat for DOMS. I bend over for Dommes. That's as good as I could come up with. But now I'm imagining it's ladies in corsets and not my workouts that make it hurt to sit down today. I appreciate this post.
  • I'm going to second this and add that I really hope you aren't just seeing a dietitian but also are seeking the support of therapy or at least counselling. When handling disordered eating, it really is best to have a support system. Just someone to talk to at minimum. And I don't even want to put this in your head, but as…
  • I'm bummed about this not being a post about being a man eater. But I guess if you were a man eater, you wouldn't be so hungry, what with all the steak dinners and all.
  • Being open about and educating people on what consent is and isn't. I was so embarrassed about one of my sexual assaults that I treated it like it was a joke. "Oh I was so crazy! What a crazy drinking story". Turns out performing sexual acts and having sexual acts performed on you while you're blacked out and in and out of…
  • There's never any climbing involved. It's just face in boobs. It's quite comforting really to have someones face nestled in your cleavage. But you can only be my friend if you don't require any men you might date to be significantly taller than you. Short girls are always giving average height men issues and they take it…
  • It seems like the headcount is going to be a bit off given not everyone is on facebook and MFP. I'm not sure if we will fill 10 rooms or not or how that's going to be organized. It was much easier organizing things when everyone used this group.
  • I'd say a solid definition would be from Tall Clubs International. For men to join they need to be 6'2" and for women they need to be 5'10" in order to join. But my perspective is skewed. I'm over 6 feet tall and I this 5'7" is a pretty normal height. However, this topic is kind of silly. I believe you should define…
  • Offer to go to bed with him? Yeah, that's kind of stupid. But practicing your flirting skills with gay men is fun! I do it in an affectionate way. Usually with friends not random gay men, but I do it. Also, drunk ladies can just be horny. Several time after experiences with tequila, I've come close to flirting with a…
  • Hot for dudes. Not hot for lady going in for the kiss and getting attacked by a wayward tongue. Sloppy drunk kissers are the worst! B*tch, stop licking my face!
  • I prefer the slutty ones who don't need to be drunk to be slutty. That way this never happens: or this:
  • I haven't figured anything out yet. There's a very recent facebook group trying to figure things out that I'll add you to if you'd like. I might want to share a room but I'm also considering just going back down to the city after. Hell, I might not even be able to go depending on what internships I get for this summer. So…
  • Hmm. Are we crazy by association? Naw.....
  • Honestly, focus on how you feel. I gained about 10-15 lbs over my winter break and yeah, my clothes fit a bit tighter but overall I don't see a huge difference when I look in the mirror. The difference for me is how I feel eating crap and not working out. If you focus on your energy level and how good it feels to achieve…
  • Hi! I mean, I just expected better from a fast food guru like you. I'm pretty positive you have a "best of" Taco Bell list, so forgoing the cajun fries is a major oversight! I forgive you for it though.
  • Pfffft. No Five Guys without cajun fries. I mean, come on. I cut back nowhere with my Five Guys. It's totally do-able with a little burger. Plus they recently created a smaller size of fries- like within the last year. But the normal size? Yeah, I always shared that among 2 or 3 people.
  • ' But ...but...it means they'd make a good mother to your children! Cat stroller = good mom.
  • I found you a new iphone app! :flowerforyou:
  • If a man is stupid enough to buy me a drink, buy me dinner, or otherwise pay for my **** that's on him. Regardless of whether he pays for dinner, you don't owe him sex, intimacy, or anything else. I just never offer to pay and if he insists on going splitsies, I just excuse myself to the bathroom and sneak out of the…
  • Oh, SoVi! If only you were closer!
  • I'm registered!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I used to buy Starbucks all the time. Now I can't really reason spending the money when I have coffee carts. But my trick (taught to me by a friend who is recovering from an ED but the trick's still valid) is to get an iced coffee and ask for a sugar-free flavor shot (peppermint, vanilla, hazelnut, etc). Then you can add…
  • OK. This topic isn't really worth getting pissy over and I have homework to do that I've been procrastinating on. So I'm out. Goodnight, y'all.
  • Spent a year working with Planned Parenthood teaching at-risk teenage girls. I've been handing out condoms at Gay Pride and talking about sex with my peers since I was 13. Worked with sexual assault prevention groups on-campus in college. Co-edited a publication about female sexuality and sexual health all through college.…
  • There are a lot of things that people believe. Yes, my social science background tells me that a lot of it is cultural and religion is part of how people are brought up. That's pretty easy to understand. Yes morality is a spectrum and it is culturally relative, but in order to make decisions on what is or isn't moral there…
  • I never judged anyone. I never said anyone had a stick up their butt or were bad people for wanting to only have sex in love. While on the other hand lots of people said that having casual sex was disgusting and a moral issue and that people who have it are bound to be riddled with disease. As someone who has long worked…
  • Believing something doesn't make it true. Basic logic.