I am becoming judgemental



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    Just remember, you don't know what other people's stories are. They may be tracking, those calories may be within their goals for the day. They may not be tracking, they may not be ready to start that journey yet. Either way, it's not your place to decide whether what they are doing is right for them or not.

    Imagine how you'd feel if they told you that they were judging you for what you were eating today. You'd probably feel pretty defensive, and hurt. It's not their business what you're eating, and it's not your business what they're eating.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol

    lol when I look at that photo, all I can see is frosting. I'd toss the cupcake part and the PB cup and put the frosting in a little dish and eat from it throughout the evening...

    see a frosting run in my future (yes I throw away perfectly good pieces of cake)
    When I make these, it's peanut butter buttercream. Delish, but really rich.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, were you expecting sympathizing comments, or are you telling us so we can try and help you change?
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol

    lol when I look at that photo, all I can see is frosting. I'd toss the cupcake part and the PB cup and put the frosting in a little dish and eat from it throughout the evening...

    see a frosting run in my future (yes I throw away perfectly good pieces of cake)

    I'd open my mouth as wide as I could, then shove the whole thing in PB-cup first. And I would smile.

    Yes, smile you would - because baked inside each cupcake is a frozen peanut butter cup.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.

    I think they should make peanut butter cups with chips in them. Or chips coated in chocolate and peanut butter.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol

    lol when I look at that photo, all I can see is frosting. I'd toss the cupcake part and the PB cup and put the frosting in a little dish and eat from it throughout the evening...

    see a frosting run in my future (yes I throw away perfectly good pieces of cake)

    Lets split it.
    You can have the frosting, ill take the rest.
  • SandraD1424
    SandraD1424 Posts: 81 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I am with you. I judge. I find people eating large portions of junky food disgusting, no matter their size. Just the thought of what they are putting in their bodies grosses me out. I tend to think they dont care/arent trying and that is gross to me when there is no effort. I can tell the people at social events that do care. they tend to eat like I do. Go for the healthier snacks and have the garbage in a bite or two then put it down, or just forgo the garbage all the way.

    We all judge and to say you dont is a lie to yourself. Everyone has their judgements about certain issues. You need a reality check if you say you dont. You are free to think your thoughts and have your judgements, just be wary who you share them with. Being judgemental is one thing, but hurting others is cruel. Best to have your judgements and keep the to yourself.

    See here is the exact problem with judging people - you have to do it without context.

    You assume they aren't trying.
    You assume they don't care.
    You assume that X food = garbage or junk.

    But you can possibly know the first two points, and the third point is debatable because some people choose not to arbitrarily label food with cliched terms.

    I agree that we all have our judgements, and appreciate your advice to keep it to yourself, but I also urge people who do judge, to step back and realize you might not have (and almost assuredly don't) the whole picture.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes, smile you would - because baked inside each cupcake is a frozen peanut butter cup.

  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.

    I think they should make peanut butter cups with chips in them. Or chips coated in chocolate and peanut butter.

    Thay wouldnt be too hard to make at home.

    Find a recipe for homemade Reese's and add some chips in the middle
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I mean as long as you're aware you're a judgmental jerk I guess it's nbd. At some point you'll chill out and realize that Chios and candy don't mean a person isnt eating a balanced and healthy diet.

    I had almost 300 calories of gelato last night. I also had lasagna with spinach and zucchini in the filling, a chicken salad, and cream of wheat and bacon yesterday. I drink a spinach and strawberry smoothie daily. I suppose if all you saw was the gelato you'd judge me too.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.

    I think they should make peanut butter cups with chips in them. Or chips coated in chocolate and peanut butter.

    Ben & Jerry's makes an ice cream that contains chocolate-covered potato chips. No PB though.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    Here's what I told my lovely and innocent 10yo daughter as we left the grocery store last week and she commented to me that she noticed the customer in front of us had made a lot of unhealthy choices, but noticed that the customer behind us had made a lot of healthy choices: (I think it applies to your situation).

    "Sweetheart, there are too many things you do not know about each of those individuals...just as they know nothing about you. The person with the unhealthy things may have a fridge and pantry stocked full of amazing healthy foods, and she just wants a treat...or maybe she is buying things for someone else, or a party. Also the person behind us with all the fresh produce might have only had doughnuts to eat all day. You don't know, and it isn't fair to judge them for their choices, just as you wouldn't want them to judge you when they see you picking the m&m's out of the the trail mix you like because they wouldn't know you just also ate the nuts and had just spent two hours in swim team practice."

    This is great! I agree wholeheartedly. My husband and I eat very healthy most of the time. Our home is full of veggies, tofu, beans, lentils, eggs, frozen berries, etc. But we were stressed and had been craving ice cream anyway, and we had enough calories. So we ran to the supermarket and bought Ben & Jerry's. Based on our purchase that night, we're junk food junkies.
  • just_Jennie1
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.


    They could have had their breakfast at 6 a.m. and this is just a snack that they're having and that they have planned into their day. The fact of the matter is that you don't know.

    Would it make you feel better if they were eating a donut instead?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    My favorite thing to eat at 8:30 AM is cold pizza with Diet Coke.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.

    I think they should make peanut butter cups with chips in them. Or chips coated in chocolate and peanut butter.

    Or you could spread peanut butter between two chips and dip it in chocolate. Peanut butter-chip-chocolate sandwich.

    Also, there's never any such thing as too much frosting. That cupcake looks heavenly in a deadly way.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.

    I think they should make peanut butter cups with chips in them. Or chips coated in chocolate and peanut butter.

    Ben & Jerry's makes an ice cream that contains chocolate-covered potato chips. No PB though.

    damn it. I'm lactose intolerant. :grumble:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I do admit though, there are times that I feel similarly to what the OP posted...mostly on facebook when friends post about breakfast at Panera, lunch at Applebees, dinner from Pizza Hut, and a frozen custard snack...in one day. It's almost impossible not to mentally tally up the NI and calories of that ;-) And of course it's usually from someone who often talks about weight loss.

    That is different though. I took it as she's just walking around and seeing people eat these things with their lunch and that it's not something they do all day long.

    It really is annoying though regardless of whether or not you eat healthy when people judge you on what you eat. When I worked in an office people would go ape if they saw me eating a piece of candy or God forbid I got a basket of fries for lunch. I felt like I was a monkey in the zoo the way they swarmed around my cubicle watching me eat and exclaiming over the fact that I ate "bad" food.

    I think you misunderstood, it is 8:30 in the morning, not lunch time.

    Ive eaten sushi for breakfast.
    And some of my friends here eat steak at 8am.

    I just watched the first episode of House of Cards last night. The episode ended with the main character (Kevin Spacey) eating a whole rack of ribs at 7:30 AM. It looked glorious.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    BTW, my plan for dinner is a double cheeseburger from Five Guys followed by a Butterfinger. Go ahead and judge me.

    No fries? How can you have a burger and no fries?

    (Never had a Five Guys burger. I heard they are to DIE for).

    When you order fries at Five Guys they give you like 10 pounds of them. They seriously put some fries in a paper thing like McDonald's, place it in the bag, then dump another few scoops of fries on top of it. It's crazy.

    But, with a 900-calorie burger you have to cut back somewhere :laugh:

    Pfffft. No Five Guys without cajun fries. I mean, come on. I cut back nowhere with my Five Guys. It's totally do-able with a little burger. Plus they recently created a smaller size of fries- like within the last year. But the normal size? Yeah, I always shared that among 2 or 3 people.