I am becoming judgemental



  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    It'll fade. People who are new to a hobby or interest often become highly judgmental of how others do it. For instance, new guitar players will sneer at people playing old ratty guits and new photographers with expensive DSLRs will judge others based on their older or less-capable camera.

    Then something amazing happens. As you become highly experienced, you realize that the obvious, external signs matter less and less. John Petrucci could pick up a 30 year old $50 guitar from a Sears catalog and blow you away. Jay Maisel could take one snap with a disposable film camera that shames your entire 10,000 picture history with that fancy DSLR.

    And it's the same with food. The person eating that peanut butter cup or slice of pizza might, under that suit and tie, be an 8% body fat triathlete in extraordinary health who can squat 400 lbs.

    So yeah. Everyone gets uppity about their awesome stuff when they start. You'll get over it.

    BTW, my plan for dinner is a double cheeseburger from Five Guys followed by a Butterfinger. Go ahead and judge me.

    ^^Very true.

    On another note, I went to the gym, Sunday, then immediately ate a double decker taco from Taco Bell, afterwards. Guess what? I still maintained my calories...and, since I hardly ever eat fast food, I didn't really care if it was good for me, or if it was even real meat. I did not care. I enjoyed every bite. :bigsmile:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I ignore what people are doing. Because I know i was once there. Plus I still eat crap. I just eat less of it. If I see someone eating chocolate, candy, cake, whatever, doesn't concern me because I don't know what they eat for the rest of the day. And don't care.
  • wonderbolt_in_training
    BTW, my plan for dinner is a double cheeseburger from Five Guys followed by a Butterfinger. Go ahead and judge me.

    No fries? How can you have a burger and no fries?

    (Never had a Five Guys burger. I heard they are to DIE for).

    Put it on your bucket list. It is among the greatest things you can do for your mouth.

    OP - it's just an eye-opener, doesn't mean you gotta be judgemental. like "Wow, I can't believe I used to do that." Silently thank whatever you pray to that you figured it out before it was too late. Not yo bizness - everyone has their own path. Theirs is maybe a little bit deeper into the woods than yours. And littered with chips and candy.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    It's ok. I'm really judgemental of other drivers on the road. Cause I'm awesome and am better at it than they are. Maybe because I'm older than some of them and have more experience; maybe it's because I'm younger than some of them and still have all my faculties; maybe it's because I'm smarter than some of them... but yeah. I judge bad drivers. Harshly. With my middle finger.

    Going by your profile pic, that's a pretty big finger.

    It is. It gets noticed. I'm really good at getting my point across with it! lol
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You can judge them all you like in you mind. No one can police your thoughts ("where is my Minority Report?!?!")

    Just don't tell them or make them feel bad.
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    I know some things about things. I also know that i ate my breakfast and lunch and snack all prior to nine AM. Now, i am full and productive and happy and most likely will be until way later in the day. Im not mad, judge judge away.

    I love judging people honestly, i just dont happen to care enough to let my negative judgments have an effect on the way i treat them.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    though it might be hard, please try not to judge. food and weight is so very personal to many of us. you never truly know what another person is facing medically, mentally/emotionally, etc.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Sounds pretty close to what I'm going to be eating today, except my husband ate half of my chocolate almond candy bar, so I only get half :grumble:

    How is he still alive?!

    Also, mmmm pb cups.
    I want one.

    Technically it was his candy bar, since he bought it from work (fund raiser thing), but he gave it to me as a gift. And then last night I saw him eating part of it. Not cool. Not cool at all :angry: :laugh:

    He ate half of your gift?!
    How rude!!!

    Just break up
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Just remind yourself that no matter how well you think you're doing (it works with most things, not just eating) there's always somebody out there who can and will judge you also.

    It keeps ya humble, and can keep your focus where it should be...on policing your own habits, and proving something to yourself instead of others.

    Excellent work on making solid changes though! Keep it up!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    peanut butter cups = protein and fat. Yum! And I'm helping meet my macros!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Unless you are their dietitian/personal trainer than yes you are being judgmental.

    Unless they solicit your advice just pay attention to what you are doing.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with chips and peanut butter cups.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    Walking through the office this morning at 8:26 am, I have seen people eating their lunch, chips and peanut butter cups. And all I can think is unbelievable! I am by no means perfect, not even close. But, I am becoming so much more aware of what I am eating and the nutritional value that I am judging other peoples habits.

    Here's what I told my lovely and innocent 10yo daughter as we left the grocery store last week and she commented to me that she noticed the customer in front of us had made a lot of unhealthy choices, but noticed that the customer behind us had made a lot of healthy choices: (I think it applies to your situation).

    "Sweetheart, there are too many things you do not know about each of those individuals...just as they know nothing about you. The person with the unhealthy things may have a fridge and pantry stocked full of amazing healthy foods, and she just wants a treat...or maybe she is buying things for someone else, or a party. Also the person behind us with all the fresh produce might have only had doughnuts to eat all day. You don't know, and it isn't fair to judge them for their choices, just as you wouldn't want them to judge you when they see you picking the m&m's out of the the trail mix you like because they wouldn't know you just also ate the nuts and had just spent two hours in swim team practice."
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol

    lol when I look at that photo, all I can see is frosting. I'd toss the cupcake part and the PB cup and put the frosting in a little dish and eat from it throughout the evening...

    see a frosting run in my future (yes I throw away perfectly good pieces of cake)
  • NancieFeatherston
    NancieFeatherston Posts: 53 Member
    Meh... so you re just becoming judgemental now? Self awareness is huge on this journey of our one life, and I really get why some keep their diaries private. Its really not our business to see what others are eating. (I tell myself "that is not my problem" and walk away grateful I kept my mouth shut) I recognise poor nutritional choices myself, whether its me making them or others. Nothing wrong with good judgement, and to recognise poor decisions.. I love that I have the ability to learn from other peoples mistakes. Love your inner *****, because that's the chick that's going to get you healthier! Love her and admire her because she wants more for herself and others. I just happen to think we all make judgements all day long, and I would rather judge than lie to myself and others and say I don't.
    :flowerforyou: A flower for you and your inner *****!
  • just_Jennie1
    I am with you. I judge. I find people eating large portions of junky food disgusting, no matter their size. Just the thought of what they are putting in their bodies grosses me out.I tend to think they dont care/arent trying and that is gross to me when there is no effort. I can tell the people at social events that do care. they tend to eat like I do. Go for the healthier snacks and have the garbage in a bite or two then put it down, or just forgo the garbage all the way.


    Really? So when I'm at dinner and my husband and I order this awesome flat bread appetizer, follow it up with a ginormous steak (which no, I probably won't eat the whole thing), loaded baked potato and then top it off with a nice slice of delicious cheese cake you're going to sit there and look at me with disgust because I'm choosing to eat something delicious that I want as opposed to something that YOU feel I should eat? And by eating this delicious dinner you're assuming that I don't care about what I put in my body? You don't know what I ate all day long. You don't know that I busted my *kitten* at the gym for an hour and a half. You have NO idea what I ate all week long. Perhaps this is my cheat day. The day where I choose to just eat whatever I want and enjoy it. You don't know any of this.

    That's great that you deem yourself better than others who choose to eat differently than you do without knowing anything about that person.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Minus some of the frosting because thats too much frosting for me lol

    lol when I look at that photo, all I can see is frosting. I'd toss the cupcake part and the PB cup and put the frosting in a little dish and eat from it throughout the evening...

    see a frosting run in my future (yes I throw away perfectly good pieces of cake)

    I'd open my mouth as wide as I could, then shove the whole thing in PB-cup first. And I would smile.