

  • Keep getting stuck around 150 and then gaining some back. I'm here again to try again!!! Starting weight: 185 Current weight: 160 Easter weight goal: 140 Ultimate weight goal: 138 Also, I want some friends here. I've been here off and on for over 2 years and have very few friends. I'd love to have someone to chat with…
  • I agree with Drewso: (I don't do these, ick -->) (but I love the rest -->) As far as breakfast cereals and the like, look for those that have little or no sugar. Kashi and Arrowhead Mills have some good examples. Also, whole grains (whole wheat, flax, etc) rather than refined grains (such as rice and corn). Some people…
  • I agree, steady is way better than fast. Everyone is different, so I don't know what motivates you and what does the opposite. For me, it was putting as little pressure on myself as possible. I gave myself permission to ease into it. The easiest part for me was logging in my food here. Somehow I came up with the strength…
  • Eggs do not have a lot of calories in them, and they also are really satisfying. They are one of those foods that even if only a small quantity, tend to help you to feel more full. Regarding salads, try using vinaigrettes ----a teaspoon of olive oil (abt 40cal) mixed with some herbs, vinaigre, salt, pepper, a little dijon…
  • That's a difficult one for me to respond to. I've found that when I go out to dinner, or over to people's houses, I allow myself if necessary to go over my caloric budget. It is difficult to calculate how many calories you consume from restaurant food, although I always make attempts; and it's only a bit easier when dining…
  • Listen to your heart and have courage. If it was meant to be with him, anything you decide to do now, any changes you make, you can always try to undo. No matter what, life ALWAYS goes on, and if you learn from your mistakes, it can get better. Whatever you decide is the right decision. First and foremost, just be honest…
  • I only weigh once a week, but have on rare occasion weighed myself during middle of week. I am trying to help myself not to focus on the actual weight that I lose, and think more about a new lifestyle that I am creating. Listening to my body and my heart. If I were to give in to the temptation to so closely monitor my…
  • I agree, and am thinking this is something you should think about. I think your posting is very honest and VERY interesting, one of the more interesting things I've read on this site. You should be proud you're able to be so honest and forthright. But first, I have to say that I'm amazed at anyone who can stay with this…
  • Be the Tortoise, not the Hare. Slow and steady wins the race. I have been overloaded with work this year so far, but since I started in January, I have significantly cut back on caloric intake, and watched what kinds of foods I've eaten, mostly vegetables and whole, unrefined grains and have lost 17 pounds. That isn't…