

  • Thanks for the welcome. It feels great to be with a group of friends going through the same thing. Most of the people I'm around can't really relate. :smile: Dianne
  • Hi Angela, Welcome! I just started today. I agree with Eve, you really should up the calories just a bit. If you go into starvation mode, your body will CLING to your fat supplies. Trust me, I know. Also, the tape measure is a great idea. At least you can see for yourself it your losing without having to get on the scale.…
    in hello Comment by dgrotefend March 2008
  • Congratulations on your new baby! I think it's great that you're motivated now to start getting the weight off. I just never had that motivation after I had my kids. I think I was just to tired try. But lots of women do it and I know it will definitely help you have more energy to take care of the little one. Good luck!…
    in Hello Comment by dgrotefend March 2008
  • I just came across this website while looking up how many calories I'm probably eating to be maintaining my current weight. And trying to figure out how many calories I should eat everyday to lose about 2 pounds a week. I'm really impressed with this site so far. I can't believe that it's free. I also can't believe how…
  • This seems simple, but it has been studies that have proven that chicken noodle soup helps you feel better and get well faster. Also, drinks with vitamin c. You can not overdose on vit c. The body takes what it needs and flushes out the rest. :drinker: The best thing to do is drink orange juice throughout the day. I have…
  • Hi Danaan, I too am sorry for your losses. I know how it feels though. My mom died from ovarian and pancreatic cancer in 1999. I want to become healthy so that maybe I can help prevent that from happening to me or something else like heart disease. I also have lost quite a bit of weight once before and it was wonderful.…