

  • I love making these for breakfast with fresh fruit they are very quick and easy to make and are also filling Almond flour pancakes • Serves 4 Serve these with fresh berries for a nice breakfast treat. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup almond flour; • 2 eggs; • ¼ cup water; • 1 tbsp honey; • 1 tsp vanilla extract; • A pinch of ground…
  • I do count salad but sometimes can't find all the ingredients in my salad to score so go with the nearest probably not ideal but still gives me a guide and am losing weight thankfully :happy:
  • Hi, Well done on how much you have achieved so far, as well as using my fitness pal I am using my Xiser it is great for doing High Intensity interval Training, (short bursts) I too have done hour long sessions of aerobics, yoga, pilates and running around the park and found this was not only time consuming but it was also…