atldrew Member


  • awesome comebacks @sarantonio :laugh:
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and support. It couldn't come at a better time with all the Halloween candy floating around the office!!
  • Serious: Try an athletic shirt that is more snug vs a cotton shirt. Not so serious: Move your hear rate monitor chest strap up over your nipples. Absurd: Use saran wrap like Mark Addy in The Full Monty. lol
  • Welcome to Atlanta and glad you are back on MFP! The weather is getting great for walking outside! Good Luck. :-)
  • I have been using the Fitbit Ultra and, for the most part, like it. Disadvantages: * Uses a holster which the unit tends to slip out of. * Doesn't track biking very well. * Needs a docking station to sync. (so if you have one at home you can't track your progress till you get home) * Some have reported it dying after…
  • I totally get it! I have had bad knees for a few years and when I asked my Dr. what I could do to start running again he said "those days are behind you". I started x-country in grade school and used to run 5mi/day. I'd like to run the Peachtree road race here in Atlanta someday but every time I start running my knees get…
  • Born & raised outside Cleveland, Ohio. :-)
  • My wife's subscription ran out after a 6-month trial with Jenny Craig and the band is now useless. (shows NO data) I personally do not like that AT ALL. I have a fitbit and used the API to connect with MFP. The Fitbit doesn't have a heart rate monitor but still does a decent job of giving me credit for steps and stairs and…
  • Smaller is better! :-)
  • I found this online and thought it might help: Step 1 - Go to the restaurant's website and print a copy of its nutrition guide or use a generic Chinese food guide like the one at (see Resources). Use this to plan your meal before you arrive at the restaurant. Step 2 - Begin with soup. Both egg drop…
  • I feel your pain! I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks now. I do notice that if I eat a lot of salt my weight will go up even though I am below my total calories.
  • I lived in Boca Raton for 12 years and let me tell you it is SOOO not the South. Southern most borough of NYC maybe. Sorry :flowerforyou:
  • Dunwoody, Ga. Just north of Atlanta.
  • Thanks for all the ideas and support!! I am planning on getting up early and doing some fast walking on the beach. Since we are renting a house I am not sure there will be a gym nearby but I can still walk...before the kids are up, after they are asleep, during the day. Thanks too for the water idea. I'm not a drinker but…
  • I have been a member of MFP for over a year and have fallen off the wagon at least 1/2 a dozen times for a myriad of reasons including work schedule, traveling, getting sick, taking care of sick kids, and so on. Try doing it again for one day, just a day. Pretend that you are back on the wagon for a day. Then tomorrow, see…
  • Dunwoody, Georgia
  • When I first started off I just walked around the gym lifting weights here and there. I didn't track anything and saw no results. Then I started listening to Phil Kaplan on the radio. I got his book called Transform and was amazed. I don't know if he still does it…
  • Sorry you had a crummy Mother's Day. Maybe they were trying to give you a break by leaving you alone? I know I tired to keep the kids out of my wife's hair yesterday so she could have some peace and quiet. I set up one day a week as a cheat day. I don't log the food and don't feel guilty about eating it. What is crazy is…
  • I'm not sure I am in the weight gaining phase just yet but am trying to grow in muscle. I am more concerned with how my cloths are fitting and with how much I am lifting than a specific number. Good luck finding your fellow gainers!
  • Welcome! This is a great place to get some motivation or at least get the support of people who have been where you are! I like reading some success stories but also like adding friends that are active. Reading their workouts helps keep me motivated. Good luck!
  • I have been doing some of the exercises on the Wii fit plus and found them helpful. I also have a Roku and saw a Yoga channel there that had videos under 30min. Hope that helps
  • There is a one for the wii??? Awesome! I wouldn't want to dance in front if other people but hear it is a great workout.
  • Wish I could but I have a bad knee. I used to play soccer and would run 5mi/day. When I run the weight just falls off. Good luck with your run.