

  • Fantastic, thank you for all that information. I'm gonna do mine tomorrow night! And unfortunately, I'm tired alot but that is because I rarely get more than 5/6 hours sleep, my body has never liked sleeping, and I have psoriasis on a few parts of my body caused by dry skin, had that for around a year though. So not much…
  • Thanks Sharon & Crazy for the replies! I'm listening and taking it all in. I do weigh food and measure ect. I also own scales that do BF but I don't understand how it all works, maybe I'll google and try work it out. Giving up the pop is something on my list of things to do as I know it's crazy bad for me and I will be…
  • Yeah I have lost weight before over the course of a year but, I split up with my partner, lost my job, moved 300miles just me and my son ect ect and I kept up lots of what I did learn but in the end lots crept back on and now I've got my life sorted it's time to lose it again, well thats the plan! I don't usually weigh…
  • Yep everything is weighed and logged, I log before I eat as well so always know what I can and can't have. I'm sure it's not "actual" weight, but I don't see how it's water weight either. I hope it comes off soon, it's a bit dissapointing because I haven't had anything naughty where I was expecting a gain/holding onto…
  • Thanks for the reply. My cycle is all over the place constantly but usually have lots of signs when I'm coming on and haven't had any this week. I haven't been doing any exercise other than walking at the moment so that's not an issue and I am 100% certain that everything that has entered my mouth has been logged! The only…
  • Well done, not sure what issues you've faced but clearly you have! So congrats you should be proud.
  • I'd say just drink your pop. Or you're gonna over compensate in something similar but still won't be what you actually want. But, I find that when I get a craving, it just doesn't go till I've had whatever it may be.
  • I shop at Tesco & always online to save temptation. Although, I get my fruit & veg delivered weekly from a fantastic couple who own a marketstall. They decided to start delivering fruit & veg to peoples doors - and because they go directly to wholesalers it lasts for so much longer than any supermarket food. Maybe do a…
  • Thanks for all the replies, I'll let other half take a look and take his pick when he gets home from work!
  • Nope it's not cheating but it's certainly on the way to cheating no doubt about it. What a A HOLE. Not a chance in hell I'd stand for anything like that, your better off without. Shame on the woman as well.
  • I understand that, do you have any family or friends you can stay with for a couple of months till you're on your feet? I just worry about the whole relationship between you becoming really unstable all because of religion. I hate religion, but I respect other peoples rights too choose. It's a shame really.
  • You don't have to lie. It's not good for no one to lie. Tell her you are not religious, you respect that she is, you won't eat around or in front of her, but you will be eating. And if she kicks you out and chooses to pick to religion over her child - well it's a hard lesson for everyone involved but it'll be for the best…
  • Cold chicken sounds fab. Great ideas thank you!
  • Anyone?
  • Thought about protein shakes and some kind of fruit maybe? Or granola bars, bags of nuts/seeds. Doesn't have to be cooked just something you can shove in your handbag! I'm not aware of any other shakes like slimfast, though I do love the vanilla and bananas ones and still have them occasionally as milkshakes lol :) Good…