Religion being forced on me will soon ruin my diet...HELP.



  • Gel_W
    Gel_W Posts: 20
    Tell her that you're going to the library. Unless she has a tracking device, she won't be able to tell that you spent 30 minutes in the library and 30 minutes picking up and eating a salad. Also, libraries have water fountains.
    Yeah...I guess I can try doing some things like that..

    You don't have to lie. It's not good for no one to lie.
    Tell her you are not religious, you respect that she is, you won't eat around or in front of her, but you will be eating.

    And if she kicks you out and chooses to pick to religion over her child - well it's a hard lesson for everyone involved but it'll be for the best in the long run if that is how she is going to be.

    Honestly, life is far too short to be under someone elses control, do you think it'll be any different for next year and the year after ect?

    Don't let people drag you down, you'll end up in a whirlpool of regret and hate for your own mother.

    Good luck. X
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    Is it possible to visit family or close friends whom your mother would approve, who wouldn't expect you to fast?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    remind her that you only get rewards for religious acts if it's done for the intention of pleasing Allah... if she forces you to fast you'd be doing it for the intention of pleasing her, which is minor shirk, which is a very grave sin (worse than not fasting)

    also show her the bit in the Qur'an that says "there is no compulsion in religion" (i.e. you can't force someone to be a Muslim, or practice Islam)

    Failing that, find a way to be out of the house each day, so she won't know if you're eating or not.
    I would but I'm scared how she'll react. She might yell at me and be all "oh so you'll read the Quran to try to prove me wrong but not for your own good?" or some stupid crap like that and I'd really just rather avoid any more confrontation with her...

    yeah I totally get you re not wanting confrontation, but she should know already that she can't force you to do anything religious, and even if she does it'll be meaningless as far as Allah is concerned.

    also maybe this is a control thing as much as it's a religious thing, if she's a controlling person maybe she can't handle you deciding to do things that she doesn't like, especially with religion. Is she very religious or is it more of a cultural thing in your family? If she's very religious then she'll be concerned for your soul, but if reminded that you fasting to please her is minor shirk and worse than not fasting, she should accept that (albeit reluctantly) - if it's a cultural thing then IMO it sounds like it's a control issue, i.e. why can't you just be like how she wants you to be, and that would be a lot more difficult to deal with, because you're dealing with an overly controlling person, not someone who's scared for your soul but otherwise has your best interests at heart.

    I don't really know what to advise re dealing with parents. But even from an Islamic point of view, you can't force someone to practice any aspect of Islam. Though if she is very religious then this will be very upsetting for her because she'll be worrying that you're going to burn in hell.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    Tell her that you're going to the library. Unless she has a tracking device, she won't be able to tell that you spent 30 minutes in the library and 30 minutes picking up and eating a salad. Also, libraries have water fountains.
    Yeah...I guess I can try doing some things like that..

    You don't have to lie. It's not good for no one to lie.
    Tell her you are not religious, you respect that she is, you won't eat around or in front of her, but you will be eating.

    And if she kicks you out and chooses to pick to religion over her child - well it's a hard lesson for everyone involved but it'll be for the best in the long run if that is how she is going to be.

    Honestly, life is far too short to be under someone elses control, do you think it'll be any different for next year and the year after ect?

    Don't let people drag you down, you'll end up in a whirlpool of regret and hate for your own mother.

    Good luck. X
    It's not that I don't want to move out. I just don't have a job right now so if I moved out I wouldn't be able to pay rent. I plan to move out. Just..after I find a job and am financially able to.
  • Darius66
    Darius66 Posts: 62 Member
    I don't think Allah would approve of your mother forcing you to fast and then kicking you out into the street if you don't. Can you try having a relative explain to her that she is actually going against her own religion with her actions? So that it isn't coming from you.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    remind her that you only get rewards for religious acts if it's done for the intention of pleasing Allah... if she forces you to fast you'd be doing it for the intention of pleasing her, which is minor shirk, which is a very grave sin (worse than not fasting)

    also show her the bit in the Qur'an that says "there is no compulsion in religion" (i.e. you can't force someone to be a Muslim, or practice Islam)

    Failing that, find a way to be out of the house each day, so she won't know if you're eating or not.
    I would but I'm scared how she'll react. She might yell at me and be all "oh so you'll read the Quran to try to prove me wrong but not for your own good?" or some stupid crap like that and I'd really just rather avoid any more confrontation with her...

    yeah I totally get you re not wanting confrontation, but she should know already that she can't force you to do anything religious, and even if she does it'll be meaningless as far as Allah is concerned.

    also maybe this is a control thing as much as it's a religious thing, if she's a controlling person maybe she can't handle you deciding to do things that she doesn't like, especially with religion. Is she very religious or is it more of a cultural thing in your family? If she's very religious then she'll be concerned for your soul, but if reminded that you fasting to please her is minor shirk and worse than not fasting, she should accept that (albeit reluctantly) - if it's a cultural thing then IMO it sounds like it's a control issue, i.e. why can't you just be like how she wants you to be, and that would be a lot more difficult to deal with, because you're dealing with an overly controlling person, not someone who's scared for your soul but otherwise has your best interests at heart.

    I don't really know what to advise re dealing with parents. But even from an Islamic point of view, you can't force someone to practice any aspect of Islam. Though if she is very religious then this will be very upsetting for her because she'll be worrying that you're going to burn in hell.
    I think it's a bit of both. She's not very religious herself. She doesn't pray at all or read Quran much anymore, but fasts, and tries to force that on everyone(even my Atheist father). But it could also be a cultural thing because all my uncles and aunts and their kids fast and I dunno, maybe she's just worried what they'll think if they see me not fasting. She's a very controlling person outside of religion though.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I don't think Allah would approve of your mother forcing you to fast and then kicking you out into the street if you don't. Can you try having a relative explain to her that she is actually going against her own religion with her actions? So that it isn't coming from you.
    None of my other Muslim family members know I'm Atheist. If they knew, they'd shun me like they did when my gay cousin came out to the family. I'd get my brother, who is Muslim, to talk to her, but he's overseas right now and will be until after Ramadan.
  • SiempreBella
    SiempreBella Posts: 125 Member
    What I would do... Hmmm.... Move out.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    No water, well, wow. I bet that absolutely does suck :( Not even ice chips?
    No. :( No food or water of any kind. :\
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    What I would do... Hmmm.... Move out.
    And like I said, I plan to. But I don't have a job or the money right now to go about doing that. I hope to sometime within the next year. But until then, I'm stuck here.
  • Gel_W
    Gel_W Posts: 20
    Tell her that you're going to the library. Unless she has a tracking device, she won't be able to tell that you spent 30 minutes in the library and 30 minutes picking up and eating a salad. Also, libraries have water fountains.
    Yeah...I guess I can try doing some things like that..

    You don't have to lie. It's not good for no one to lie.
    Tell her you are not religious, you respect that she is, you won't eat around or in front of her, but you will be eating.

    And if she kicks you out and chooses to pick to religion over her child - well it's a hard lesson for everyone involved but it'll be for the best in the long run if that is how she is going to be.

    Honestly, life is far too short to be under someone elses control, do you think it'll be any different for next year and the year after ect?

    Don't let people drag you down, you'll end up in a whirlpool of regret and hate for your own mother.

    Good luck. X
    It's not that I don't want to move out. I just don't have a job right now so if I moved out I wouldn't be able to pay rent. I plan to move out. Just..after I find a job and am financially able to.

    I understand that, do you have any family or friends you can stay with for a couple of months till you're on your feet?

    I just worry about the whole relationship between you becoming really unstable all because of religion. I hate religion, but I respect other peoples rights too choose. It's a shame really.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Putting the issues between you & your mom aside for a sec, that pattern has recently been promoted as a means of accelerating fat loss ('intermittent fasting'). Lots of people have seen results on it, though, it's harder on women, that's true. I don't know, but have trouble seeing how it would mess up your metabolism after just a month. So if it turns out you can't get around the fast, it won't hurt weight loss, if that's a concern.
    I'm just worried I'll -gain- weight from it. :(

    Nah, you won't. Check this out:
    That's the thing. In that, it says to eat no later than like 6 PM, right? I won't be able to eat from about 4 AM to 10 PM or so. :\ And I also am not allowed to drink ANY water. It sucks being dehydrated.

    there's no scientific basis for this. The main issue for weight gain will be not overeating at iftar because you're so hungry. I know quite a few practicing Muslims who look into intermittent fasting and how to do that, so they can continue to eat right and also train during the night while fasting, so it is possible. For intermittent fasting, you don't eat for part of the day (usually around 16 hrs) then you eat for part (i.e. the remaining 8 hrs) which is quite similar to the Ramadan eating pattern, and it doesn't matter that you're eating at night, so long as the total amount of food you eat is within your calorie goal. Done correctly I think you can minimise the difficulties and get through Ramadan without messing up your diet or body composition. But I think the main issue in your case is that this is being forced on you.
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    Just for a little context for the people saying "You need to confront your mother."

    Yeah, easy for you to say.

    Clearly that's not every Muslim woman's experience... but it's out there. And it's an ENTIRELY different experience than most people in the western world.

    To the OP: Good luck. I hope that you can find yourself in a better place by next Ramadan. The fasting will be difficult, but you can probably make it work for you without derailing your goals.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    Tell her that you're going to the library. Unless she has a tracking device, she won't be able to tell that you spent 30 minutes in the library and 30 minutes picking up and eating a salad. Also, libraries have water fountains.
    Yeah...I guess I can try doing some things like that..

    You don't have to lie. It's not good for no one to lie.
    Tell her you are not religious, you respect that she is, you won't eat around or in front of her, but you will be eating.

    And if she kicks you out and chooses to pick to religion over her child - well it's a hard lesson for everyone involved but it'll be for the best in the long run if that is how she is going to be.

    Honestly, life is far too short to be under someone elses control, do you think it'll be any different for next year and the year after ect?

    Don't let people drag you down, you'll end up in a whirlpool of regret and hate for your own mother.

    Good luck. X
    It's not that I don't want to move out. I just don't have a job right now so if I moved out I wouldn't be able to pay rent. I plan to move out. Just..after I find a job and am financially able to.

    I understand that, do you have any family or friends you can stay with for a couple of months till you're on your feet?

    I just worry about the whole relationship between you becoming really unstable all because of religion. I hate religion, but I respect other peoples rights too choose. It's a shame really.
    Unfortunately, no. The only family I have here is all on her side, so they're all Muslim.

    And I'm sure the relationship between her and I will become unstable anyway after I move out, since it's against the religion for me to move out of the house before I'm married.
  • SiempreBella
    SiempreBella Posts: 125 Member
    What I would do... Hmmm.... Move out.
    And like I said, I plan to. But I don't have a job or the money right now to go about doing that. I hope to sometime within the next year. But until then, I'm stuck here.
    Aww that sucks. Hmmm.. plan B. Put snacks in side books so it can look like I am reading but eating instead. Ha ha ha ha Evil laughter.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    What about school? Have you completed a college or university degree? Could you get a student loan & move out that way?

    (You know who you should actually write to about the bigger issues, who *completely* understands and would probably write back - Irshad Manji.)
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    What I would do... Hmmm.... Move out.
    And like I said, I plan to. But I don't have a job or the money right now to go about doing that. I hope to sometime within the next year. But until then, I'm stuck here.
    Aww that sucks. Hmmm.. plan B. Put snacks in side books so it can look like I am reading but eating instead. Ha ha ha ha Evil laughter.
    I'm planning to maybe go out and buy a big case of granola bars and hide them in my room or something. :P
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    Just for a little context for the people saying "You need to confront your mother."

    Yeah, easy for you to say.

    Clearly that's not every Muslim woman's experience... but it's out there. And it's an ENTIRELY different experience than most people in the western world.

    To the OP: Good luck. I hope that you can find yourself in a better place by next Ramadan. The fasting will be difficult, but you can probably make it work for you without derailing your goals.
    Thank you. :)
  • Darius66
    Darius66 Posts: 62 Member
    looks like your excuse for going out this month is going to be to look for a job :)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    So here's the story. My family is Muslim. I'm not. Ramadan is starting next week, which is the month where you fast everyday from sunrise to sunset. No food or drink during that time. So, up until last year, my mom thought I was still Muslim, so I pretended to fast while secretly having a snack or two throughout the day.

    Now she knows I'm not Muslim, and is forcing me to fast this year for Ramadan, even though I don't believe in it, and because I know it's totally gunna screw up my metabolism. Eating nothing all day and then having one HUGE meal at the end of it is just..not good. I'm 20 years old but she's forcing me by basically saying she'll kick me out if I don't. I don't have a job right now or the money to be living on my own.

    Another thing is that, if I'm not eating all day, I'll likely end up binging at the end of the day when I finally DO get to eat. I'm gunna try the whole sneaking snacks thing again but it's just really frustrating that she's still forcing it on me. She thinks me being Atheist is just a phase I'll grow out of, and refuses to accept it. Even though I've considered myself Atheist for the past like..5 years now.

    I just don't know what to do. There's no reasoning with this woman. I tried to and it ended with me crying for a good half hour and hyperventilating. She is SO hard to deal with.

    Any suggestions would be great. I really don't know what to do. :(

    i'm sure it's against the principles of their religion to force somebody who isn't Muslim to go along with the fast. Maybe a religious leader could talk to her? sounds bad. Try to get a job and move out. Do you live in the USA or abroad?