

  • You could try, they have daily workouts and in the workout breakdown videos they normally have modifications for the harder exercises so that you are still working the muscle they are but just doing an easier version. Otherwise I would look at what muscle is being worked on the exercises you have trouble with…
  • I get the same thing after about 30 min of working out. Only thing that helps me is wearing thin socks and loosening up my shoes. The local running shoe store here suggested wearing compression socks as that can help with the circulation in your feet, I got one pair but they were kind of thick and I haven't tried looking…
  • I eat before hand depending on when I workout. If I workout before work in the morning then I don't eat, I just get up drink some water and workout. If I'm doing like a 5K race I will have a banana or something similar to eat beforehand. I normally have a protein shake after I workout or some type of snack. I think it…
  • I haven't ever been a big elliptical person but when I got back into running after 2 or 3 year break it was definitely hard! I started out running 2 miles and would have to take a walk break at about 1 mile. Then each time after that I would make myself try and run 1 block further before stopping until I could do the whole…
  • I don't know specifically about weights but I took a week off from running for knee issues and when I started again it was a lot more tiring when I tried to do the exact same workout before. I have a friend who had to take 2-3 weeks off of working out for an infection and she definitely was off track when she started back…
  • I'm new to spaghetti squash and have only made it once, I did an alfredo with it and it was delicious! Here are a couple other ones that I have on my to eat list :) Sesame Noodle -…
  • is good, they have new workouts almost everyday and its free. Melissa bender also has good workouts posted everyday too.
  • I really like they have new workouts everyday and its free and you don't have to sign up or anything either. They do a blog as well and all the trainers post good tips and encouragement on their Facebook pages. Zuzka Light is good too, she uses to be with the dailyhiit folks when it was bodyrock, hers is a…