pelleld Member


  • A storm that is forecasted to affect more than 60 million people is not "basically nothing". NYC transit is shut down. All state roads in CT are closing at 1 pm. Sandy is hitting us through multiple high tides and a full moon. They are calling for "100 year floods". Sandy is so big that hurricane force winds are being felt…
  • bumping becasue I have some of the same questions.
    in Fitbits Comment by pelleld October 2012
  • I'm in CT. Our governor was on the news tonight and said this storm is the greatest threat to human life CT has ever experienced. Very scary. Virtually the whole coast has been evacuated. Storm surge and flooding will be the issue there. Inland where we are the winds will be the issue. We lost power for 6 days this very…
  • Best of luck. Hope he turns up soon and that he is OK.
  • I totally believe in the everything in moderation approach.
  • I posted a topic yesterday about this and didn't get any responses, other than one kind friend who posted on my status with her response. I found this topic this morning and its just what I need! Here's an excerpt from my post..............When I came here at 143 I lost every week until I hit goal of 125, dropped an…
  • I LOVE the way you think :)
  • I like this hour at a time.....gonna try that next time I start to fall!
  • This might be the best one yet!
  • I feel awful today, way over did it with my eating this body is seriously rebelling! Despite being in maintenance for almost a year, I've decided to drop my calories for just this week. Being a little more stringent with myself will help get me back on track and not allow this to set me back. I'm drinking…
  • People who have never had issues with food have a hard time "getting it". And its just so hard to explain to someone else something that I don't always understand myself. I suspect that there will always be a part of me that has the "fear" but I am hoping it gets better with time. I think we need to learn to trust…
  • Sometimes I think the psychological part of weight loss is harder than the physical. And because its not something you SEE its a harder battle to fight. I am happy to see some people reporting that it does get better. For me its been difficult. I've been in maintenance for almost a year, lost an additional 10 pounds the…
  • 5'3" and started at 143 in Feb 2011, with a goal of 125. Hit 125 in May of 2011, went to maintenance mode. Lost another 10 pounds by November, been maintaining since then. Spent most of the "losing" time with 1200 cals per day, plus ate my exercise cals. Add me if you want :)
  • What a touching story. I bet she is as thankful for you as you are for her. Kepp enjoying each other :)
  • Her generosity.......she is generous with her time and love. While we've always been close, we got closer when she was sick right before her stroke nearly 8 years ago at the age of 61. Since then we speak every day....I haven't missed a day of calling her in those 8 years. And I'm very thankful for her recovery and that…
  • I was chubby through my teens, then thin for the next 2 decades. Started gaining after I hit 40, more after 45. I'm back to being thin after hitting goal last May, in maintenance now. You can friend me if you want.............
  • I am 5'3", 48 y/o. Started at 143, hit goal of 125 a year ago, lost another 10 by November, been maintaining 115 since then. In the yellow shirt I am about 133, the green is at 143 and the grey sweater is at 115.
  • I like the way you think :)
  • Of course you can count calories for the rest of your life. You don't HAVE to, but you certainly CAN. Its what keeps many people on track and isn't very hard to do. Now, maybe you can't "be on a diet" for the rest of your life, it needs to be an actual lifestyle change to be a long-term success. But for some people the…
  • I look at old pics of me heavier (and cringe!). I go in the closet and check out the labels on my size 2 levis jeans to remind myself how far I've come. I try on something that used to fit and see how it swims on me now. I think about all the energy I have now and how much more I can accomplish at the gym and in life. I…
  • I'm having this problem myself. I did find some jeans in the juniors section of kohls, along with some workout clothes. But I had to try on maybe 50 pairs of jeans to find 1 pair that fit. And forget the juniors section for everyday clothes.....too young and trendy for this 48 year old! I want to look "put-together", most…
  • You sound like a remarkabe young woman. And your husband sounds like quite a man as well. I wish you much success on mfp and hope you continue to heal as you move forward.
  • It took me longer than 10 days to master the first level so I did it a bit longer. While each level got more difficult I was at least able to master them in the 10 days after level 1. This was my first workout DVD and boy did it change my body! I got a bunch of her other ones too and they were great! Good luck with it.
  • As I told steph above, it never occurred to me that the clothes were the problem. Maybe I need to change the way I think........
  • You know never occurred to me that the clothes were the problem. Thanks for that!
  • Donna - I feel like I can stay at this weight without a lot of work or sacrifice (food wise). I think going to the gym 5 times per week has upped my metabolism to the point that I can afford to eat a bit more and not gain. Yes, my face looks thinner, but I think it is the loss of my curves that is the most upsetting. I'm…
  • Totally normal! My interior doors are raised panel doors, the panels collect dust so I clean them whenever I think of it. I LOVE to clean and am really excited to have started my Spring cleaning. I love the feeling of accomplishment. And I do walls, doors, windows, baseboards, EVERYTHING :)
  • My goal was 125. I went to maintenance at that point and lost another 10 pounds. Basically I lost the last 10 pounds while trying to MAINTAIN. I've been between 114 and 116 since November. I set my activity level for the winter to sedentary and continue to work out and eat back my exercise calories. My maintenance calories…
  • Is 1200 to 1500 too restrictive? I am 5'3", started at 143 and been at 115 for the last several months. MFP has my maintenance calories at 1400.
  • I've never been this small............but I've been at this weight now since November and so far I am maintaining without too much difficulty.