cauliwobble Member


  • No? Ok not taken personally
  • Hiya, glad to have found this. I lost 10lbs on the Dukan last summer, I need to loose 4 stone and was doing really well, then I got a col fitted and the 10lb went back on over a couple of months despite still being pretty strict with the diet. So now my cycle has finally (fingers crossed) settled down I am going back on…
  • Hi all :) this diet hasnt been successful at all for me , but I love ths way of eating , and tbh I'm not stopping, I do feel better. But I lost 10lbs on the dukan diet pretty quickly a year ago then I got a mirena coil and put it all back on over about 6 months and have struggled with the same 5lbs since being on this…
  • Yes Ive just got back into it and its making me feel like I've eaten loads when I know I ate ages ago, I just keep picking at olives
  • Ooh the graze box green olives are heavenly. I am working on trying to cut my portion sizes down and tryng not to sack, failing mainly though lol. Oh for the holidays to be over
  • Well not bad here, glad you enjoyed your bath ;). Friday of course, no food in the house lol. so ive had burgers for breakfast & lunch yuck. not meal planning this week as we are going to town on Monday, plus dh is off all week, hes a pain, never eats at the right time, and I always feel guilty when I have a snack :/ but…
  • You arent a twonk, lol at least you blame yourself and recocgnise where you went wrong, your mojo will come back for sure. I would have blamed some other reason. I just ate some snack Bhajis from Tesco it said 1.5 sugar on the front, why dont they put carbs on the front ? You think something is low sugar, but doesnt mean…
  • Aww he sounds a gem Janell, good for him, I am hoping when I go away in October dh will end up a frazzled mess, then he will know what its like, especially how Emma can make a mess. Shes made a palace today :/
  • lol *like*
  • Hope you get on ok today J, good luck (((((()))))
  • i think you can grill it /fry it, i've never had it
  • Hi I am doing a low carb diet too, I havent lost much just 4lbs, but I have lost a few inches so hoping the weight will start going down soon, any one can add me if they like :)
  • I need some ideas for meals, my Tesco is ****e, really crap, its fine for snacky things, but really rubbish for getting things together for meals.
  • you will be fine, I will be thinking of you xx . I'm giving a pint of my liquid gold tonight at blood donors, wonder what a nearly pint of that weighs ;)
  • The shake I have is vile, I am ploughing my way through it though and put a bit of vanilla flavour in it, I would love a chocolate shake for breakki and I would have another for lunch or dinner with a splosh of cream , but will have to wait till I get proper stuff. I am trying to cut down on cheese, I could eat a whole…
  • So what are everybodys store cupboard favorites then? I always have tuna, eggs, bacon, creme fraiche & s/f jelly
  • , It is, and one of our friends is a fisher man, he often stops for a glass of wine at Dhs shed and gives us a heap of prawns/fish, fantastic, we give him some meat when we get our pigs done, his wife is a vegetarian, so its a good sawp. Plus dh & ds2 go fishing ALL the time
  • Yum I love smoked salmon too, I used to work in a smoked salmon factory ..delish, they did all kinds of smoked meats too, I was pretty slim at that time too lol, wonder why. A friend brought us some prawns yesterday and I had cooked them last night so had some of those, some dressed salad & some smoked sausage, then…
  • I want something for breakfast, I dont want porridge or a protein shake, or eggs what else is there :/
  • I'm not sure if walnut oil will go, I usually go for a lighter ground nut, and put garlic, mixed /Italian herbs &lemon juice just a tiny bit.
  • oh cripes, ok thats fine, so long as its just off negative thats fine
  • Just ordered some so should know by midweek next week hopefully.I had some before, how dark does it get before you are in proper ketosis, does it have to be really dark(is it purple still) or can it just be on one of the first shades of ketosis?
  • I have no idea Janell
  • Hello ladies, you need to keep me right, after spending the last 3 months on the IPD forum where I read so many contradictions, I am giving it up. I lost 5lbs since April but for some reason put some back on :/ Though I havent lost much weight I have lost about 11 inches in total from different parts of my body. So I know…
  • I try and eat my carbs in the morning usually. So for example today Breakfast- porridge made with water & and a grated apple in it, with a bit of cinnamon & 1/2 teasp syrup 2 white coffees then lunch was-large salad with lemon juice & balsamic dressing, 200gms roast chicken breast then Dinner will be-boiled egg & tuna…