IPD support thread.



  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Thats something else I love about this diet. You really can eat anything for breakfast. I bet its fab getting fresh meat and fish on your doorstep.
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    , It is, and one of our friends is a fisher man, he often stops for a glass of wine at Dhs shed and gives us a heap of prawns/fish, fantastic, we give him some meat when we get our pigs done, his wife is a vegetarian, so its a good sawp. Plus dh & ds2 go fishing ALL the time
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    So what are everybodys store cupboard favorites then? I always have tuna, eggs, bacon, creme fraiche & s/f jelly
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I always have salmon in. At the moment its sainsburys taste the difference lemon infused http://www.sainsburys.co.uk/groceries/index.jsp because it is pennies a pack at our local outlet and fillets with double cream and watercress sauce for the same reason. Its a shame I have such a taste for them because at full price they will be a rare treat but at the moment I eat tonnes of them.

    Mainly I panic if I run out of soya milk, lettuce, almonds, salmon and chicken. I always have an emergency tin of sardines and tuna in the cupboard just incase.
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    I rely on Lactofree milk for my shakes (tastes nicer than soya and well worth the extra pennies/calories lol!), cream for my coffee/jelly, peanut butter, bags of salad leaves, tuna, minced beef, chicken breasts, nuts, frozen veg like fine beans and cauliflower florets, sugar-free jelly (ready made pots and powder!), curry jars, decaff coffee, sandwich fillings like prawn mayo or egg/bacon mayo - great for a quick lunch with some salad, salmon fillets, sausages, eggs and tomatoes. Those are the sort of things I'll pick up on my weekly shop.

    Oh, and cheese!!
  • Immy33
    Immy33 Posts: 3
    I can't handle the breakfasts on this diet tbh. I absolutely bloody love the smoked salmon and philly rolls but I'd be sick if I had to woof them down before 10am. The protein shakes are an absolute life saver for me on this diet, and I LOVE them too. Choc milkshake for breakfast? Yes please - http://www.naturesbest.co.uk/whey-protein(chocolate-flavour)-p352/ I have it with soya milk. Once I'd got some of this I was on track, I really don't think I could do this diet without some.

    I'm very boring with my dressing Janell, I just put two thirds olive oil, one third white wine vinegar and a tbsp of dijon mustard in a jam jar and shake like hell, then leave in the fridge. It's another life saver. My favourite atm is salad with chicken fajitas on top, with a tbsp of grated cheddar and some sour cream. I always have chicken tikka pieces in, I eat a ridiculous amount of them really. I have them with dressed salad and sour cream and chive dip. Also salmon pieces.ham and feta too. And when I'm being organised I have lots of soup frozen. Watercress and spinach is much nicer than butternut squash imo, especially with some cream and extra nutmeg.
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    I'm exactly the same Immy. I have a shake for breakfast 99% of the time and yesterday I had a second one for my tea because I didn't fancy anything else and was short of time. So, so glad we can have them and it has made all the difference to me staying on plan. The vanilla one is my favourite :)
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    The shake I have is vile, I am ploughing my way through it though and put a bit of vanilla flavour in it, I would love a chocolate shake for breakki and I would have another for lunch or dinner with a splosh of cream , but will have to wait till I get proper stuff. I am trying to cut down on cheese, I could eat a whole block in a day, the stronger the better. This walking is making me starving too gggrr
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I love the shakes. I have the natures best vanilla and tbh I think I would have quit by now without it. I genuinely enjoy it in a morning where as a cooked breakfast isnt possible here on school mornings.

    Righto ladies. Im all ready for the off. Think of me tomorrow while Im having my nap.

    I will probably log in on my phone if they keep me in though Im hoping to be allowed to come home. (Nurse wasnt so hopeful but heyho)

    A day of no food.....think of the calories Im saving :P xxx
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    Really hope it all goes smoothly Janell - will be thinking of you xxx
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    you will be fine, I will be thinking of you xx
    . I'm giving a pint of my liquid gold tonight at blood donors, wonder what a nearly pint of that weighs ;)
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Good on you Cathy. i always get a lovely feeling when i donate. It really does make a difference xx

    Ive just had a shake. Feel better already for it. Need to up my water as Im going to be constipated from all the faffing about in there and the tablets too.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Whats been your favourite meal this week ladies? Im back to plan and raring to go and as Im sat on my bum doing very little Im organising my meal planner for next week. I want to try some new things.
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    I need some ideas for meals, my Tesco is ****e, really crap, its fine for snacky things, but really rubbish for getting things together for meals.
  • Immy33
    Immy33 Posts: 3
    Glad you're back Janell, been thinking of you. Really glad you're on your way now.

    I'll be watching this with interest, I need to re read the book to get some more ideas, I just cannot be arsed to cook at all atm. I'm planning a beef and guiness casserole this week, with cauli mash. And a big chicken stir fry with stir fried cabbage and greens and loads of soy and garlic. That's it though, got no further than that!!!! Maybe chilli on shredded iceberg. Roast chicken.

    Am a bit worried about the summer hols, it's going to be harder to stay on track when so busy, suppose it's where the shakes will come into their own.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I need to order another pot of shake as I think they will be handy for out and about. I might try the chocolate one this time :)

    So far Ive planned

    Comforting beef stew with cauli mash
    Chilli on lettuce
    salmon and feta bake

    Ill make the vegetable bravas again as it was lovely (celeriac recipe but used pepper, mushrooms and courgettes instead). I didnt much like the thia fishcakes, i thought they were bland so I might tweak the recipe a little and give it another go.

    Stir fry! I forgot all about stir fries. I have a bag of the frozen stuff. Ill go and have a nosey if its suitable. Have prawns... ooh inspired!
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Ive ordered some halloumi with my shop thats coming Monday. Now will someone tell me what Im supposed to do with it? lol

    The bag of stirfry I have is 35 carbs per half bag so I wont be using that :/
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    i think you can grill it /fry it, i've never had it
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Oh sods! I forgot to add it to my basket so now its not coming. Ill call and get some on my way home from the Drs later. Ive got to go and see if my bottom incision needs another stitch putting in it. I have a fleshy yellow lump sticking out where the stitch burst.:/

    Im going to make a concious effort to get back to plan today. Because Ive been feeling so ill Ive just been eating bits of whatever for the past few days. Im not in ketosis. Still feel crap but want the scales to start moving again so need to put the effort in.
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Hope you get on ok today J, good luck (((((()))))
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