I've considered doing the p90x but am very intimidated!... I'm pretty weak and very heavy... Health is much better than it was at the beginning of the year but still horibly out of shape. been working out 4 or 5 days a week for 40 to 45 mins at a time. Is this something someone very heave and pretty weak could do? where do…
what appeals to me with the epulse is that it doesn't need and chest strap.
I've also wondered about these seems alot like the bodybugg but without the subscription.
my problem with the bodybugg is the monthly subscription to make it work.
Never have seen mine and not sure I ever will as I'm a male. But for me the good news was I can see my feet again... LOL..Congrats to you.
I'm 27 and started a little over a month ago with weight watchers and it didn't work. I've been using the biggest Loser on the Wii and it has been keeping my heartrate up as well has helped my flexibility. About a week ago I came over here and started monitoring calories alone. I'm now down a total of 9.4 lbs and just over…