khanamura Member


  • Sodium is not typically bad for you. If you are active constantly, you need that sodium, and it's OKAY to "maybe" go over it a little bit, if you are ACTIVE. Sodium helps retain the water in your body, so if you are active, you won't become dehydrated. But if you are not active, then yeah, suggest cutting back on the…
  • Want the best type of motivation? Go to your local recruiting office (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, or Air Force) and tell them you're interested in joining but are UNSURE, ask if you can participate in the PT sessions and that you need help with motivation, and they'll ring your *kitten*! Not literally, but they will motivate…
  • Well I've heard three different stories. A body builder told me, "There is nothing wrong with having too much protein. protein is very good for you." <---- that is coming from a man with biceps bigger than my head. An army recruiter told me, "Doesn't matter how much protein you take in, what your body doesn't put to use,…
  • soup = low calorie + filling
  • Mental obstacle#1: Just because you are smaller than before, there are other people who have pushed themselves harder than you. Mental obstacle#2: You may work two jobs, but I know someone who worked 2 jobs and was a full-time student. I am a full-time student, and work part-time at a car dealership and part-time in the US…
  • Awesome stuff! If you really want to improve your push-ups, I started off barely being able to do one full push-up. After a few months, I was able to do 37 in two minutes. (Not all that great, but a huge improvement for me). I did them EVERYWHERE. When I woke up in the morning, get on the floor and knockout ten (female…