

  • It's a good thing even though it's a hassle! Not only are you giving your body the increased water intake which is awesome, but the absence of soda (which makes your body retain fluids) is letting your body flush the extra fluids out. Whether you were drinking regular or diet soda, I've read they are both connected to…
  • I was gonna post about this tonight! When I'm eating the calories and net calories they recomment, my weight loss looks like it will be so slow! When I was eating way too few calories it predicted great weight loss in much less time! So that's confusing and tempting to keep my calories too low...but of course I wont' lose…
  • Hi. Yes I was bulimic in college through the time I had my first child. I'm 41 now and that was back when I was 17-24 years old of "active' bulimia. Now I only have the challenging mindset/self criticism/perfectionism to deal with every day. It takes a long long time to work that mentality out of your system if ever....it…
  • I don't think it was rude at all. You were telling her why YOU decided to get healthier, not telling her why SHE should. I'm guessing it just hit her in a serious, surreal sort of way...kind of a reality check. If she's always gotten by making excuses for herself and laughing herself out of her own committments to herself,…
  • Hi there friend. I dealt with bulimia during my college yrs through the time when I got pregnant with my first child at 24 yrs old. It is extremely mentally exhausting...nonstop shame, guilt, humiliation, regret, self-judgement, and all that goes along with that. You have plenty of support on here so please reach out to…
    in Bulimia Comment by Pippi8 February 2011
  • There is a book by Jon Gabriel called "The Gabriel Method" that talks about using visualization and mental reconditioning as you uncover the 'thin person' who is hiding inside people with excess body fat. He was able to lose an incredible amount of weight and each night visualized the body he wanted (which had no excess…
  • This was a few years back but aside from the usual complements, this one stuck with me. I was lying on my stomach in my workout outfit and my ex-hubby said "your buns feel firm just like two basketballs!" I think my basketballs are a little low on air so time to firm them up again!
  • I hope you get to feeling better!. I've always heard that if the congestion is from the neck up, go ahead and work out. If it's below the neck, take a break. Rest and lots of water. Hang in there!
  • I love the photos! It makes it so much more motivating so actually see what you have achieved and to see how gorgeous you look with your new self pride!! We are all very proud of you!
  • Thanks for the welcoming posts! I'm ready to start Operation Smoking Hot! Let's do it!