

  • Don't worry! i recently looked in the mirror and saw the same thing. Instead of pointing at the stretch marks or fat spots, I tell myself that I can do it. I'm invincible. I tell myself that I'm beautiful because I'm trying. My fiancee is working out with me. She tends to stay with muscles and strength, while I do cardio…
  • How about Chai tea? I've tried that, but I never considered it "tea". It was like cappuccino kind of thing for me.
  • Hey Sam! Firs off, Congrats! That progress is amazing! I'm proud. It's people like you that soooo motivate me. I'll definitely be adding you so we can add each other as friends! Just remember, that your body knows what it's doing. As long as you aren't starving yourself or anything, your body is doing what it needs to to…
  • I'm always looking for motivational friends and support! I'll be sending a friend response to you! Slow and steady wins this race.
  • Heya! I'm looking to drop from 218 to 140 lbs. I do HIIT as well and it's so much fun! We could totally both motivate each other! Totally add me! ~Amelia
  • Welcome to myFitnesspal! I'm in your shoes. I'm starting over to begin being healthier and to actually fit my jeans again! We can motivate each other together. Feel free to friend me! ~Amelia
  • Wow. I wanna thank you all for these wonderful posts! They're highly motivating and now, I can't wait to get started. I can't wait to put myself into the game. :D Thank you guys!