My re-introduction! I need some like minded friends :)

I have been on and off MFP for a couple years, and feel my best when I am on here regularly! I have about 20 lbs to lose, but a lot more to gain in the form of body-confidence, healthy habits and muscle! I try to eat clean, lean and green, experiment with cutting out various things just to try to pin down my digestive discomfort :( no luck yet. I workout A LOT> I am an irish dance teacher, and personal trainer. I am walking the walk! I love hiking, walking, dancing, HIIT, tabata, running. I want to face my disordered eating with honesty and the willingness to change it! I am so on track this week, Ill take it as a little victory :) So here goes, my CW is 160, my GW is 140-145, Ill see how I feel as I get there! More excited about feeling more confident in a bikini and not spilliong over my skinny jeans ;)


  • BronwynNZ
    BronwynNZ Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome back :)
  • I'm also looking to drop 20lbs in the next 3-4 months. The holidays are coming and I'll need all the motivation to get through it. Sending an add your way, anyone else feel free to add.
  • Heya!

    I'm looking to drop from 218 to 140 lbs.
    I do HIIT as well and it's so much fun! We could totally both motivate each other! Totally add me!

  • thulce
    thulce Posts: 1
    Hello everyone. I'm a new member as of today! Very excited about this website and all the tools it has. I'm 61 years old and need to lose 50 more pounds. I've already lost 20 since June, 2013. I've been taking Diabetes Education and the nutritionist is going to see me once more. I told her I would write down everything I ate and she told me about this website. Awesome! I do water aerobics twice a week and walk, walk, walk. I think I need to start exercising more, adding another aerobics class. Thanks for reading my post. Much success to everyone!