Little Girl Lost

I'm sure this won't be the most exuberant of introductions... I'm sure it's not the most depressing either.

My name is Amelia. I'm 19 and I'm 218 lbs.

Geesh. It hurts writing my weight down publically-- I can't help but cry about how BIG I've gotten. I went from 178 lbs and blew up to 218 lbs... Out of nowhere. The stretch marks are appearing. I don't fit any of my jeans and just writing this is breaking my heart because it hurts to see how I've let my body go. It hurts to know that I'm obese.

I've tried diets.. and exercise. I quit.

I quit everytime and I get so damn frustrated---

I need motivation. I see that here. I see it. And I want it. I want to be pushed. I want to be pushed to my limits so I don't give up this time. Not now, not ever.

It's time I became healthy and lighter...

Someone come help find me.. Please..

Thank you,

Amelia <3


  • CharlzO
    CharlzO Posts: 96 Member
    I think you just need to get some friends added on here, so you can see their activities too! I know it sounds silly, but just seeing other people do things on the feed can be a good source of motivation to do the same. I find myself coming on and going "man, she did 45 mins on the bike today? I better get moving!".

    I know it can seem like it's a battle that seems to be out of reach, but you can do it! It's not easy, nothing life-changing ever is. But slowly and surely, you can do it, and you'll find yourself looking back and going "I did that. And world, just look at me now!"

    (Take me for what I'm worth, I think this is my first actual post lol)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This was the first step and you did it. There is someone here that can push you to do what you need to do. Want her name? It's Amelia. That's right. You hold all the power in your hands. You just have to really want to get healthy.

    Here's some advice that I received that really helped me:

    -put your health first always
    -eat at a healthy deficit from your TDEE
    -weigh and measure every bite of food you eat
    -log every bite of food you eat
    -find some exercise you like to do and then do it consistently
    -dig deep for all the patience you can find

    Best of luck. When you are ready to lose the weight - you will.
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with Charlz... on the Community there are some groups for Teens... do a Search and you can find some people in your age group that can influence you. Beachlover gave some great advice too! The most important thing is to know that you are worth it and you can do it! Little steps always add up so a few more hints to add to hers...

    - Take the stairs even when you have an elevator, every step counts in the end.
    - Carry water with you everywhere. Drink lots of H20!
    - Remember you can do it!

    Good luck!
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Amelia -- just the fact that you WANT it is a huge step!!! So give yourself some credit!!! Start using the food diary - know that you can eat anything you want, but you've got to make those calories stretch throughout the whole day so you "might" want to consider making "better" food choices (i.e., maybe a veggie omelet instead of a Krispy Kreme glazed donut...just sayin'...)

    WELCOME and don't despair --- SOOOOO many of us were right where you are - myself only about 5-6 weeks ago!!! Search the community posts for information and suggestions; add those folks who you seem to connect with or who you think can be great supporters for you; be consistent, be diligent, and IF YOU HATE STARTING OVER, STOP QUITTING. :-) I just love that saying.

    We're all in this together - you get what you put into MFP and it sounds like you're ready to get serious.

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    your post makes me so sad! i was about your age when i gained all my weight with my first child, well, i was 18... i started and stopped any weight loss attempts i made and every fad diet sold on tv and in mags... i wasted my entire 20's being obese, and lets face it, 20's should be fun!!! i didnt have fun. i had low self esteem, zero self confidence, and fueled further weight gain by "depression" eating.

    dont waste decades being unhappy and over weight like so many of us have done. you have the drive, do it now... im 33 and just now starting to feel good about myself, im just now starting to look cute in clothes, however, im too old to wear the cute clothes i would have loved to wear in my 20's... my husband, the father of my 5 children is just now able to see me without clothes on, i no longer have to "hide" from him when i change... do it now, dont wait!

    its fairly simple once you get the hang of it. track your calories, be completely honest with yourself on what your eating and how much, learn to say no, and stay focused on your goal and motivated for the results!

    good luck to you, and cheer up, your so young, within a year, you could be where you want to be, and still have so much fun years a head of you!
  • uhhmeliaa

    I wanna thank you all for these wonderful posts! They're highly motivating and now, I can't wait to get started. I can't wait to put myself into the game. :D

    Thank you guys!