mrs_jorgenson Member


  • I really struggle with this, and have a few tried and true tricks. First, I use a program called flux for my computer to adjust the light in my computer to more yellow tones, and less blue tones. Blue light tells your brain that the sun is still up, so if you can't just put the computer away (like I cannot seem to do),…
  • Thanks that's really helpful. How long did you bulk for, and how many additional calories did you eat? I knew building muscle while in a deficit was too good to be true. Part of me thought, since I hadn't engaged my glutes until uh, this morning, maybe I could get some newbie gains in just that one area. Ha. But since I am…
  • I lost about 50+ lbs several years ago and maintained for years without tracking. I basically did something similar to IF (kinda, I mean I would eat about 2.5 meals a day and wouldn't eat in the morning until I was really hungry). I did this before I even knew what IF was. I found it to be a manageable way to lose for…
  • Nonfat dairy really can't be beat. Nonfat kefir, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese are all fridge staples. More often than not, I eat without tracking all day, then do it all before dinner and tweak the rest of the food for that day to fit my macros. As an above poster mentioned, protein is the hardest to nail down. I found…
  • I really don't like drinking or eating super processed food, either. Have you tried kefir? Its like a drinkable yogurt, probiotic drink (they sell at Whole foods, Trader Joes, etc). A cup of nonfat kefir has 120 calories and 16 grams of protein! I think its a life saver for an after lift snack.
  • I really like, for good and healthy lunch ideas. Anything my kid helps me make, usually gets devoured. Do you think your children would like to grate, chop (with assistance), or even load stuff into a blender? I really love the Klutz children's cookbook, it comes with measuring spoons and my son likes it a…
  • Good post. I haven't been tracking on MFP that long, I'll definitely be able to figure out a better caloric number to shoot for. I went back and looked at some of my average weight watchers days and was eating 700-1100 calories! No wonder I feel better now.
  • That's a good point about the intervals in stage 2. I definitely know that I'm doing the right thing for my body (and mind!) by lifting, and do not intend to stop! I don't weigh myself, either, I just want my pants to fit in time for colder weather. I will continue doing TDEE/TDEE -20% and be happy that I finally get to…