

  • I just like junk food. It really depends on the day: Sometimes it's chocolate others it's chips. I've gotten to the point where I can leave the grocery store without buying big bags of candy or chips...most of the time. Having to drag my 18 month old around keeps me from indulging every craving I have. I don't know what…
  • It totally sucks that you feel so sucky all the time. Here is an amazing interval workout that is totally low impact. It can be done in a chair. Magnesium citrate is a nervous system relaxer that can also help with chocolate cravings. I read in a low carb diet book that…
  • free new workouts every day. They look pretty intense. I was too scared to try them out myself. :)
  • It could be plantar fasciitis. Do you get the same pain at all when you first get out of bed in the morning? If not it could just be that your calves are really tight. Your calves are connected to the bottom of your feet through the Achilles' tendon. Make sure you stretch them really well. You could also do some self…
  • Try checking out They post new free workouts every day that are a combination of HIIT and body weight exercises. No equipment needed. I checked them out a few months ago but the workouts seemed really intense and I got scared.:)
  • If you are having pain/numbness in your ring finger or pinkie, you may have tweaked your ulnar nerve. I damaged mine by resting my forearms on the edge of my desk while typing. The ulnar nerve starts in the cervical spine travels down through the elbow and then through the wrist. Make sure you are keeping your wrists…