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  • Picking it up and carrying it as far as i can
  • 0 miles in may (traditional running for a distance anyway)
  • Haven't had a dog in 20 years. This reminds me of my dog when I was younger though. Just a mutt where you could pick one of 20 breeds and see it in him - we got him from the pound when he was 6-9 months old. Mostly german shepard and rhodesian ridgeback though, I taught him to sit and heel and he'd walk on a leash just…
  • Don't do a million squats eh ? DOMs is a good thing IMO - so if you want to avoid it, don't exercise. This will always help; not in avoidance, but in coping when it happens bad. - stretch after every workout - spend 10-20 minutes doing it. Use bands to get a good stretch going. - Lookup trigger point therapy. Get a roller…
  • I don't care what people eat - I just hate the smell of Patchouli
  • Really? Well that sucks.
  • Got a sample day of what you eat ? Perhaps you're eating too many low cal high fibrous things that will fill you up, but make it hard to eat lots of cals. E,g, For me, I eat a bunch of broccoli and cauliflower because I have the opposite problem - it helps cut my cals down and stomach fuller. Add a tablespoon of good olive…
  • Also, I like to do this often - much more interesting that 3x20 etc. Pick three (variety is good). Say Situps, In and Outs*, and fliutter kicks. Then do 5 sets of situps for 30s, in-outs for 20s, flutters for 10s, then rest 30s. Just keep going in each set, go as hard as you can and try not to rest. Tabata protocol is also…
  • I do the olympic and power lifting lifts (cleans,deads,squats, snatches, etc), and a number of other full body exercises that will work the core - but any lifter worth their weight in salt does not neglect those core exercises. It's not an effort to make 6 packs, it's assistance to ensure these other lifts and moves are…
  • If you have a torn rotator, let the thing rest and recover - otherwise it'll never heal. A warm up is a warm up and is just to get your blood flowing. Some of the warm-ups I've done have felt like the workout itself ... but that's another story. For shoulder strength, good ole push ups (real ones, chest TOUCH ground) is…
  • In addition to what I said earlier - when doing multiple reps, remember to breath at the top (full breath too, don't be in a hurry to re-rep), then regain that core tension as you lower and lift again. One of the worst things you can do is loose tension on the way down as the bar will take you - also holding your breath…
  • Good luck. Have you noticed anything since starting ? I thought I was crazy, but cigarettes were pretty noxious within next day or two after starting (but I still choked them down .. which made me dislike even more).
  • It's normal and comes from holding our breath and increasing our internal pressure We should be doing this to stabilize our core and lower back, but sometimes that can lead to some pretty nasty side-effects. Like that you-tube video posted or the feelings we get. I see stars and are dizzy often. I even feel like puking (or…
  • stock the beer fridge
  • Oh nuts. The good 'ole days:) I wish it were more recent. I dare say that back then the scale did go back down unless you have a super-dooper memory and actually weighed yourself again. I'm not saying that the scale didn't go up and that muscle wasn't built, but that amount is just abnormal. For me, after the scale comes…
  • If you say so. Go ahead and drink a gallon of milk or a gallon of OJ a day and get back to me. EDIT: Now before someone gets onto me about everything in moderation - the context here is that we're quitting smoking. They're going to drink the hell out of some OJ and it is going to be bad. OJ is everything good removed from…
  • As I said, some people are genetically predisposed to gaining and bone density can increase. So you may be the exception to the rule. No, my workout example was for one workout only. Do you think that if you were to repeat what you did, from where you are now, that you'll gain another 14 pounds ? How much do you weigh now ?
  • That sucks. Good to know you've come back from the dark side :) From what I've read and come to understand, our bodies will always want the level of nicotine that it once had. So reducing over time is a near impossibility, because our bodies will always want that 100% of its nicotine levels. Even after 10 years of nothing,…
  • Some people are genetically pre-disposed to gaining/loosing fast, but the vast majority of people will not gain 14 pounds of muscle doing anything (without increased cals and "extra" help - like HGH) let alone humping all over the mountain ranges Bone density can also increase under loads and stress. So even though the…
  • I've been smoke free for 2 and a bit years and never even think about smoking let alone have cravings. The only time I think about smoking is when conversations come up. We're all different. Personally, I couldn't stand it to think about or have cravings every week. You have only just re-enforced my thoughts on the matter.…
  • I just setup my activity level and quota to include exercise cals and the adjust over time. So I end up eating the same each day regardless of exercise. Effectively, I'm zig-zagging my cal intake. I do crossfit and run different distances and swim, and sometimes just do active stuff. I also walk golf a few times a week.…
  • Drinking OJ can help the nicotine withdraws. But be careful as OJ is fattening. For the next few days (and no longer) try drinking some - it really does help. You'll screw your cals but that's just a small set back - so long as you don't turn it into a new habit. When nicotine leaves, it drags your blood sugar down (so you…
  • In my opinion, writing and saying this "I miss smoking terribly. If it were good for me, I would not have quit!!" is a really bad idea. I would go as far as to say "you are 'f-bomb'ed" Sorry, but that is the state of people can get into when they say things like this.They are more likely to relapse and may still be having…
  • I quit (actual, not a puff every now and then etc) on January 9, 2010. To get through the nicotine leaving my body phase, I drank the heck out of some OJ. Then after a week I stopped the OJ and joined MFP to track my cals so that I would also loose weight. It worked, steadily over the next 10 months I lost about 30 pounds…
  • Can't you still go to the track ? Do the local high-schools have tracks where you are ? Where I am we can go and use them for free. So you can continue your track work. Do 400 repeats. 3 rounds of 200-400-800. Run backwards. Do 400, then some push-ups, situps, squats, and run 400 again - the repeat. Do that 5 times. Do…
  • You have to eat more than you burn to build muscle and gain weight. You may wan to re-evaluate your diet plan and just how many cals you are recording for your exercise. Strength training alone will not automagically make you gain muscle and weight. Cardio and a cal deficit will put your body into a catabolic state, which…
  • Where was their muscle mass increased ? In their *kitten* ? (I'm being somewhat serious too). Also, can't imagine how much mass. They're probably talking 0.123 of a gram.
  • Leg raises, v-ups, flutter kicks, hanging leg raises, overhead squats, reverse crunches, planks, side planks, tuck jumps, jumping rope .... there's a ton of things. Look them up. You can do a myriad of things by simply lying on your back and lifting your legs at different heights and speeds. Lift and hold at 10", then 20",…
  • look up "she wee". Problem solved.
  • Cut the dew, pringles, pb pretzels,icecreams, chewys, 100 cal snacks and start eating real food. It's likely you'll save some money too. Celery is a useless vegetable, it does nothing to satiate someone, it's basically like water. Start looking to add spinach, broccoli, cauliflower etc (all can be cooked or eating raw) but…