

  • i have always been 1 - 2 stone overweight my entire life... i actually went to visit one of my friends in her house when she had just come out of hospital for a liver transplant. i sat with her in her bedroom and stepped on her scales and saw i had lost 3kg (but her scales were incorrect hahaha) anyway, i then thought to…
  • great idea, i plan on having a date or two and some banana and some kind of protein then working out then having a shower and then eating.
  • yeahh i agree, i have read plenty regarding intermittent fasting and exercise, even bodybuilders do it. i feel better about doing it now. this page cleared up a lot of my thoughts: http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html i guess the only change i will make is to include some protein whilst…
  • i wasnt insinuating that people in this post, or you were blaming the program. but what i meant was that a lot of people (not on myfitnesspal) were blaming the p90x program. i agree, the fault is with the guy overexerting himself whilst exercising - the actual program/exercise type is quite irrelevant.
  • Im so sorry that islam is being forced upon you. as a muslim, its totally wrong to force anyone to do anything, and even the quran says "let there be no compulsion in religion". surely you're old enough to make your own choices in life and do as you please. the problem is probably because your mother follows islam on a…
  • thanks for the advice! :)
  • @xclassiqx ramadan kareem :) yes no way would i do a workout whilst fasting! that would literally kill me. so how did u find insanity during ramadan? and did you lose?
  • its a shame people are blaming the actual exercise program for this. the guy clearly over exerted himself and didnt modify/stop when his body was pushed to the limit. he clearly neglected Tony Hortons advice from the videos!
  • im also muslim and i will be fasting this month for ramadan. my advice is to eat lean, wholesome foods full of protein and fibre. eat calorie dense foods because if you try to squeeze in what you would eat in a day into the space of a couple of hours your stomach will stretch and you'll get hungry quickly. also, dont stop…
  • as somebody else said, eat plenty of lean protein to fill yourself up. also, have fibre since it helps keep you fuller for longer, but make sure you dont overdo it on the carbs. lastly dont completely restrict yourself from eating junk. once every 2 months i go to a buffet :D or once a week have a treat meal (not a whole…
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