p90x puts man in hospital



  • ellehoosen20
    its a shame people are blaming the actual exercise program for this.
    the guy clearly over exerted himself and didnt modify/stop when his body was pushed to the limit.
    he clearly neglected Tony Hortons advice from the videos!

    I didn't hear anyone blame the actual program, in my original post I even stated that the "moral of the story is listen to your body" I think its good for people new to fitness to know that there are risks jumping into a program they may not be ready for.

    i wasnt insinuating that people in this post, or you were blaming the program. but what i meant was that a lot of people (not on myfitnesspal) were blaming the p90x program. i agree, the fault is with the guy overexerting himself whilst exercising - the actual program/exercise type is quite irrelevant.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    All the more reason to not eat toxic food.

    And people think i'm extreme for eating real food.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Double post. Disregard.