thegatti Member


  • Hi, I have just joined WW online on Thursday night. Slightly regretting it because the points have changed since five years ago when I was on WW. i am still trying to get the hang of it.
  • I did lower fix on Monday and i am doing a fit club workout tonight as my exercise. I am trying to stick to at least exercising more and eating as healthy as i can (which i fail at usually lol)
  • Hi everyone. I had a big break over Christmas and new year and gained all my weight back :( I am finding it hard to get back into the 21 day fix. How do you get/stay motivated to do the fix?
  • I dont know how everyone else is going but i fell off the wagon big time. It is hard for me to eat well at this time of year. Too much food and not enough willpower. Most days i do breakfast well and then the rest of the day seems to go down hill.
  • How is everyone going over the Christmas season? I have stuffed up a couple of days already :( and i have a work Christmas dinner tonight. I'm still trying to keep my exercises going though
  • I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that needs to restart (again). 1st round was not too bad. Lost 4kgs yay! I am going to restart tomorrow if all goes well. I have been at my parents place for a week and was trying to stick with the plan but it didn't always work. I exercised twice this week and did my best at eating…
  • Hi guys, I'm on day one of round 2. I had a weeks maintenance.....(eating a lot of wrong food) before starting again. I hope this forum is still active. I wouldn't mind having a bit of help this time
  • Hi everyone, My name is Lieren and I am on day 7 of the 21 day fix. I have a cat called Nermal and she is a diva. I like gaming, reading, craft and hanging with friends.
  • I have panic disorder as well as agoraphobia so with me I cant walk a long way from my house. I have a fitbit now and am going to see how many steps I can do even inside. You could try walking if that doesn't affect your panic. As far as prayer and reading the Bible......go for it......only if you want to. It does help.…
  • Ok. I am getting determined to loose weight now. The biggest size I am in pants are getting too snug :(. Since calorie counting is stressful, I joined tony Ferguson. The shakes are actually nice and they now talk about the 5 food groups, so it actually seems more balanced. Also, my friend gave me her fitbit that she wasn't…
    in HELP Comment by thegatti April 2015
  • Hi guys, I haven't counted calories because it became too stressful. Went to a dietitian and she told me portion control was most important. It worked for 2 weeks. I lost 2 kgs and then put it back on near time of the month. Then it wouldn't come back off. I was told 1300 calories would be my daiy limit. Most days I think…
    in HELP Comment by thegatti April 2015
  • Hi Kim, I would LOVE to know what helped for you. I get so confused with this sort of stuff. Some days i feel like " what change can happen from one day?" So i dont bother or i eat junk food. The only thing is the "one day" has turned into 13kgs. I want to eat ealthy but i do not want to eat tasteless food. Lunch, dinner…
    in HELP Comment by thegatti July 2014
  • I do when I am in town shopping and when I have a girl's day with Mum.
  • I bought one of these. Would also love to know how many calories i have burnt
  • Chocolate is a biggie for me, but lollies are worse! I didnt realise how bad i was with those until a friend brought a bag of lollies with her to my place. After she left, i finished the bag plus grabbed anything chocolate out of the fridge.