I've had really good success with taking it in the past. I just started it up again about a week ago, so I'm not sure I've felt much of a difference yet, but I'm pretty sure it will kick in soon. I'm definitely a proponent of using it.
AWESOME post!! Any chick that can pull out a GOW reference is OK in my book!! Love the Kratos doodle too!!
I don't remember exactly what it was, but it involved GHD situps (which I'd never done) and all I remember is that my hip flexors were broken and I couldn't stand up straight for over a week!!
HAHA!! This could have been my response!! I just got up to 3o1o, 2o1o about 3 weeks ago. Feels pretty good so far. I go to the box m/w/f and go to the globo tu/th/sat. I've struggled with shin splints too and started doing the couch to 5k program so I try to insert 3x per week of that. So far so good. Hoping the pounds…
Just joined this week and plan to log daily. Going to hit my goal this time! Feel free to add me so I don't feel so friendless and loser-ish!! LOL!!
I was always a bodybuilder workout type of guy (back/bis, chest/tris, legs/abs type workouts) and it seemed like the older I got the more injuries I seemed to sustain. I would get consistent, get stronger, add more weight and inevitably injure myself. I'd take several months off, eat like crap, get fatter than before, go…
I've actually struggled with shin splints for years as well, though thankfully not to the extent that you are. I've heard that its everything from a muscle imbalance (tibialis to calf) to incorrect shoes, but its never fully gone away or gotten better. I'm trying a running program to see if I can hopefully work through it.…
LOL @ mbrackemyer! "Crisis averted!" Congrats on the weight loss JenJen828! Keep up the good work!
Hey there! I'm new to the site, but definitely not new to working out or dieting. I've been REALLY bad the last several years with respect to my consistency with working out and its added up. I'm an all or nothing kind of person and I was either dieting super strictly and working out like a fiend or I wasn't doing much of…
People who haven't even tried Crossfit really need to stop bashing it. If you're a newbie to working out then maybe you should ease into exercise first, but nobody at the Crossfit box puts a gun to your head and forces you to do anything. They don't want you to get hurt anymore than you do. A bad trainer is a bad trainer…