

  • If you need a fun workout that is easy on your joints the Veena and Neena Belly dance workout videos are fun.
  • Full calorie Coca Cola. I can't stand diet drinks. They don't taste the same so I just have to let myself have on a week or I'll go crazy.
  • Try eating a lot of small meals during the day. That way you won't have to eat so much at one time that you are feeling overly full. I lost weight during both my pregnancies because I couldn't eat a lot at one time so I did the small meals several times a day. Some weight loss experts tell you that this is the better way…
  • My son is now on a low sodium diet. His doctor told me to do most of my shopping on the outside edges of the stores. He said b/c most of what you need is there. Fresh produce, dairy and meats. I am trying to avoid any prepackaged foods. His nurse said Healthy Choice frozen dinners were okay b/c they are lower in sodium.
  • You can have a lot of fun staying sober! Just have 1 or 2 drinks and laugh at all the funny stuff the drunk kids are doing. You may find that you weren't having as much fun getting drunk as you thought you were. When we have a girls night out we rarely drink anything and we always go home with our sides hurting from…
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