

  • TiffanyTravis
    You can have a lot of fun staying sober! Just have 1 or 2 drinks and laugh at all the funny stuff the drunk kids are doing. You may find that you weren't having as much fun getting drunk as you thought you were. When we have a girls night out we rarely drink anything and we always go home with our sides hurting from laughing too much.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yep. this is hard. and the calories are only part of the issue...for me at least the next day my cardio (usually a run) SUCKS. im just slow and tired and it can even last up to two or three days. so drinking excess calories and losing the energy to burn them off. if you do drink, stick to lighter colored beers, vodka or tequila shots or mixed with diet tonic or diet soda. thats really the only way to keep cals down. as a college-student-lover of sweet mixed drinks, dark beer and wine, its a struggle :/
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    i feel the same way. i don't even want to go out and drink but as a grad student/ in my mid twenties its the ONLY thing anyone does. ughhhh. then i just feel awful the next day for guilt reasons but also for just feeling drained/like i treated my body poorly..because i did :( i'm not sure what to do about it either, except drink only vodka soda and then only a couple because hard alcohol isn't my thing. no wonder i gained so much weight last semester, it's obvious to me now but i never counted the calories in a pbr before. yikes!
  • jeebsah
    Work out on the days you plan to go out. Stay away from the fruity drinks. This might sound gross but I use to mix EVERYthing with diet coke... or sometimes I would drink gin & tonic. On the days that you plan to go out, eat really light during the day with a meal an hour before I go out, that way you wouldn't have consumed too many calories that day, but at the same time I would not be drinking on an empty stomach.
  • rcmaross
    rcmaross Posts: 4 Member
    Simplest and healthiest thing to do here is to increase exercise on the weekends. Basically walking 3MPH (brisk but not fast) for 15-20min = 1 beer. Go for a 2hr walk Friday afternoon and you can drink 8 beers for free :-). Jogging for 5 min (10min mile) gets you a beer, so 40min of running gets you those same 8 beers.

    consider changing what you drink. different drinks have vastly different calorie content. Beer alone is all over the map.
    bud - 145 calories.
    bud light - 110 calories.
    miller lite - 96
    mich ultra - 95.
    MGD64 - 64.

    same is true for hard alcohol. Do some investigation and find a new drink that is lower calorie.

    On a side note, it is not healthy to restrict your calories to 1200. In fact it will probably make you gain weight as your body will start to basically hoard calories.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    at some point, you have to decide whats more a college student and while i would LOVE to go drink and carry on, i dont because my health and weight loss is much more important to me...

    This. It IS possible as a college student to have fun with friends while keeping the drinking to a minimum... I would know! I used to drink a lot but now I drink very rarely and only in moderation and I'm actually able to have more fun with no regrets after.
  • meljaz
    meljaz Posts: 3 Member
    VODKA and Soda or flavored sparkling water is not a bad choice - drink a glass of water between each drink (and of course keep the number of drinks to a minimum). The idea of eating before you go out is a good idea, this prevents the snacking while drinking.
  • ybba12490
    drink vodka waters! haa, sounds nasty BUT it is very low cal. The taste just takes some getting used to.
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Right there with you!!! I turned 21 in June, and went from binging out on beer to strictly staying at vodka sodas. I've drank it for so long now that I'm just used to it and actually prefer it over other drinks, because I find it refreshing (especially with lemon!!!). Also, I try to limit myself to drinking one night a week (usually Fridays so i can nurse my hangover Saturday, and do schoolwork Sunday without being totally useless), but I make sure I don't eat any garbage along with that. Not only did this help me calorie wise, but it helped my grades in school too!!! :)

    I know it's hard, it sucks, but hopefully all the advice your getting will make it a lot easier for you!!