spookiewon Member


  • Oh, ^^^^^THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!^^^^^
  • EXACTLY! In fact, the OP used "morbidly" in parentheses after "grossly" so she knew "grossly" was or might be offensive. "Grossly obese" is NOT a medical term, and it's easy to jump to conclusions when someone has not used the correct words.
  • As I said, report me. I didn't attack you. I clearly replied to the comment above mine. Let a moderator decide if you are attacked by me replying to someone else. YOU attacked me and I have no problem with a mod settling it.
  • Exactly. Curvy IS a shape, not a weight. Both overweight and normal weight people can be curvy. But to say you can't be curvy and overweight is simply inaccurate. The OP was objecting to people she found gross using a term that describes her as well. Curvy women have a relatively large waist to hip ratio. I'm the…
  • Thanks for the apology. You just met two people who DO take issue with "grossly" obese, and its incorrect usage. The correct term is "morbidly obese." And since you know that the different meanings of "gross" are different parts of speech, and "grossly" in "grossly obese" is an adjective, why did you reply that it has…
  • That is what it's attached to. I clicked "Quote" and typed a reply to the comment. It looks to me like it follows that quote and it refers to the 600 pound people explicitly and says that if you can't respect people because of looks you have skewed values. I stand by all of that. I stand by the entire quote box, in order,…
  • As a noun, adverb and verb it has other meanings. As an adjective it means "unattractively large or bloated," and nothing else. When it precedes "obese" it's being used as an adjective and has no non-pejorative meaning. And THAT is why knowing grammar matters.
  • First of all, do you know how few people actually weigh 600 pounds? You weren't referring to 600 pound people and you know it. Those people never say they're "curvy." And the correct term for this, as pointed out, is MORBIDLY obese. Secondly, finding any people "gross" is cause for concern. They're PEOPLE for heaven's…
  • Me too. "Morbidly" is a medical term, but "grossly" is a pejorative one.
  • Xylitol is actually a sugar alcohol, and it has some amazing health benefits aside from just sweetening. It's known to reduce tooth decay, for instance, and might help with overgrowth of other bacteria as well. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15641497 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7918760 While I appreciate that…
  • Why would you need to? Coffee isn't bad for you. In fact, it's GOOD for you. Try stevia rather than the Splenda if that bothers you, stevia is as natural as sugar. A little 2% milk isn't unhealthy either.
  • I'm kinda an old lady, but I thought short tops were in style! My sister says they're supposed to be short! Is she wrong? (Gawd, I do love it when she's wrong!)
  • Quoted because all those sexy, gorgeous women needed to be seen again! AGREED! Nothing sexier than a curvy woman! There's a reason you can buy panties with a fake butt to pad what ya got! Curvy round bottoms are gorgeous!
  • Which would be $200/person/month or $1000/month for a family of five. He's doing it cheaper in New York.
  • Hear hear. And make sure it's always about health and NEVER about weight. ALL children are beautiful and should NEVER believe otherwise.
  • The food pyramid" is no longer taught because nutrition experts no longer consider it a healthy way to eat. For one thing, it contains WAY too many grains. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/
  • Partly true. I have a close friend whose (now grown and in her forties) daughter went days without eating as a child and had her pediatrician concerned. It turned out she was eating, they later learned. She was eating the cat's food when they fed the cat twice a day. Denying her cat food didn't make her eat, BTW. In the…
  • That's simply not true. Currently on McDonalds Dollar menu: McDouble cheeseburger=$1.00. Small Fries=$1.00 Two McDoubles and two small fries = $4.00. No coupon needed and it's the current, non-special, pricing directly from McDonald's website. It's a bad choice, but it is a meal for two for $4.00, as stated, and your meal…
  • Hear hear! I think the OP that it's important to educate children about food and exercise had some great points, but the numerous comments about feeding kids fast food being abuse go over the top. It seems these days whenever we want to make a point we say things that amount to "If you don't raise your kids this way, it's…
  • Eating healthy isn't cheaper. Fresh veggies and fruits are VERY expensive. You also have to consider the time and energy to prepare this healthy food. It's to be encouraged, but it IS difficult, and expense reflects more than price.
  • Would that it really were that simple. Alas, it really isn't.
  • That's all true as far as it goes. But it's far from that simple. My mom was a stay-at-home mom who cooked a nutritious meal for us every night and we ate together. Fast food was a treat my grandmother took us out for, mostly on Christmas eve. We had soda only in the car on vacation. (I KNOW! What kind of masochist gives…
  • The NINETEEN seventies? Because I can't imaging the dangerous effects weren't known in the 1970s. This is why a focus on weight is BAD. Healthiness needs to be the focus, and we have to stop sending the message that people who are larger are not as attractive as those who are smaller, because it makes kids, especially…
  • Oh, yeah. Have you seen or read any of what Naomi Wolfe has written about the steps to closing an open society? Because we are probably too far down that road now to turn back... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjALf12PAWc
  • From this you get sugar daddy? Uh uh. I don't know any woman who wants a sugar daddy.
  • One last thing to consider. Weight loss surgery works by resulting in you eating less. You are telling us your weight isn't because you eat too much, but because your medication makes you gain weight. If that is really the case then weight loss surgery won't help, will it? If you gain for reasons other than taking in more…
  • So what? That's irrelevant. You sound like you're saying that since you gained weight due to medication you should be spared the work that people who whose weight "Is their own fault" have to do. Problem is that even if it were strictly true, and it isn't, there is no free ride. The surgery is hell and has long term…
  • Have you checked to be sure you weigh enough to qualify? Your picture doesn't look like your BMI is high enough but a face shot can be deceiving. Then the insurance company will want a certificate of medical need--a statement from your doctor that says your health is in serious jeopardy--and you will probably also have to…
  • Playing in the park with the kids! ANother "fitness activity!"
  • http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/weightloss/2009-01-21-fidget-activity_N.htm Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic says that NEAT, or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is far more important to weight loss than traditional workouts. He suggests "activities such as walking to lunch, pacing while on the phone, cleaning the…