Fat =/= curvy



  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Me too. "Morbidly" is a medical term, but "grossly" is a pejorative one.

    Even though grossly has more than one meaning, one of which has nothing to do with obscenity or disgust?

    As a noun, adverb and verb it has other meanings. As an adjective it means "unattractively large or bloated," and nothing else. When it precedes "obese" it's being used as an adjective and has no non-pejorative meaning.

    And THAT is why knowing grammar matters.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross.

    First of all, do you know how few people actually weigh 600 pounds? You weren't referring to 600 pound people and you know it. Those people never say they're "curvy." And the correct term for this, as pointed out, is MORBIDLY obese. Secondly, finding any people "gross" is cause for concern. They're PEOPLE for heaven's sake, and if you can't respect a person as a person because of how you feel about their appearance you need to assess your values because they're skewed.

    :S is this to me or to the person who actually posted "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross." <- because I DID NOT post that.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I agree with you. Curves come from your body shape, you can be thin and curvy or overweight and curvy... but extra body fat does not equal curves.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Me too. "Morbidly" is a medical term, but "grossly" is a pejorative one.

    Even though grossly has more than one meaning, one of which has nothing to do with obscenity or disgust?

    As a noun, adverb and verb it has other meanings. As an adjective it means "unattractively large or bloated," and nothing else. When it precedes "obese" it's being used as an adjective and has no non-pejorative meaning.

    And THAT is why knowing grammar matters.

    I know grammar, thanks.

    And apologies if people took it that way, but I have never heard anyone take offence to the term 'grossly obese'. If people do, apologies.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I agree with you. Curves come from your body shape, you can be thin and curvy or overweight and curvy... but extra body fat does not equal curves.

  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    i find no offense to anything weight related

    i am fat - not curvy

    my sister wont call me fat - she says fluffy (she might just be scared of me, she is a twig, 95 pounds 5')
    her b/f wont say fat - he said " your swolled up" ( yes swolled ) :laugh:

    my niece - your not that big ( um ya ok . im 300 pounds, i call that big)
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross.

    First of all, do you know how few people actually weigh 600 pounds? You weren't referring to 600 pound people and you know it. Those people never say they're "curvy." And the correct term for this, as pointed out, is MORBIDLY obese. Secondly, finding any people "gross" is cause for concern. They're PEOPLE for heaven's sake, and if you can't respect a person as a person because of how you feel about their appearance you need to assess your values because they're skewed.

    :S is this to me or to the person who actually posted "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross." <- because I DID NOT post that.

    That is what it's attached to. I clicked "Quote" and typed a reply to the comment. It looks to me like it follows that quote and it refers to the 600 pound people explicitly and says that if you can't respect people because of looks you have skewed values. I stand by all of that. I stand by the entire quote box, in order, as it is displayed on my computer.

    1) "...I do find it irritating..."
    2) "...someone is 600 pounds..."
    3) "...do you know how few people..."

    In want way does it not appear I am referring to the post above?

    EDIT: You know what? Report me. You think I did something wrong, report me.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Is this a US specific thread or is the "curvy" marketing present elsewhere in the world? I know that the US has greatly catered towards self-image and making women feel better about themselves - I requested my US size in a clothing boutique in Italy and they sales clerk almost laughed out loud.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    If I could get my curves down to say Kim Kardashians measurements, I'd be thrilled. Right now I'm 5'2 and 40 29 40. I've never been as small as her though, ever.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    EDIT: You know what? Report me. You think I did something wrong, report me.

    Aggressive much? She was just asking who you were talking to o.o
  • Taras32
    Taras32 Posts: 25 Member
    I know what you mean. Last night i was watching something, think it was called Fat Feeders and it was about men who love their women big. When i say big, the bigger the better. This mans wife was about 650lbs and her husband was on about society and how curves are so much better. Im sorry but a woman at 650lbs is not "curvy", she's dangerously over weight. I consider curvy as someone like Marilyn Monroe.

    Marilyn Monroe would be considered obese by today's standards. While I am not of fan of being unhealthy, I don't think that anyone should judge anyone else because of their outlook on themselves. What you may find disgusting about someone, another person may find just as disgusting about you!!! Totally not judging, I'm just saying....
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    <~~~ I have no curves. I have "speed bumps"!!! :grumble:
  • But just because someone is overweight, like me, I'm still curvy to me and I'm fat.. i have a defined waist and hips... I'm a size 20. I'm getting fit and in shape, not because i'm ashamed of my body but because I want to be a better version of me. I have been told I'm too tiny for guys that like fat girls but too big for guys that like chunky girls... I don't understand why how someone labels themselves bothers people so much... if someone is happy with themselves, when do people enjoy tearing them down.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Me too. "Morbidly" is a medical term, but "grossly" is a pejorative one.

    Even though grossly has more than one meaning, one of which has nothing to do with obscenity or disgust?

    As a noun, adverb and verb it has other meanings. As an adjective it means "unattractively large or bloated," and nothing else. When it precedes "obese" it's being used as an adjective and has no non-pejorative meaning.

    And THAT is why knowing grammar matters.

    I know grammar, thanks.

    And apologies if people took it that way, but I have never heard anyone take offence to the term 'grossly obese'. If people do, apologies.

    Thanks for the apology. You just met two people who DO take issue with "grossly" obese, and its incorrect usage. The correct term is "morbidly obese." And since you know that the different meanings of "gross" are different parts of speech, and "grossly" in "grossly obese" is an adjective, why did you reply that it has different meanings. It doesn't have different meanings when used as an adjective, and it is an adjective when it is used to describe a noun or another adjective.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    My thought of this is quit obvious to all my friends and family, because as someone who countless people have said "you're not fat, you're just curvy" to, they all know how I respond. There is a damn difference between fat pulling on your *kitten* and having a bit of junk to call it a curve. I get pissed when people call me curvy, because to me that's just as bad as someone calling me fat - if not worse. They think they're helping by calling me it, but in reality it's worsening it.

    Why is it just as bad for you hun? Would you like to message me? I saw your profile.
  • Taras32
    Taras32 Posts: 25 Member
    Heck, I'm fat and curvy..and as I lose weight I hope to stay curvy. To each it's own...
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross.

    First of all, do you know how few people actually weigh 600 pounds? You weren't referring to 600 pound people and you know it. Those people never say they're "curvy." And the correct term for this, as pointed out, is MORBIDLY obese. Secondly, finding any people "gross" is cause for concern. They're PEOPLE for heaven's sake, and if you can't respect a person as a person because of how you feel about their appearance you need to assess your values because they're skewed.

    :S is this to me or to the person who actually posted "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross." <- because I DID NOT post that.

    That is what it's attached to. I clicked "Quote" and typed a reply to the comment. It looks to me like it follows that quote and it refers to the 600 pound people explicitly and says that if you can't respect people because of looks you have skewed values. I stand by all of that. I stand by the entire quote box, in order, as it is displayed on my computer.

    1) "...I do find it irritating..."
    2) "...someone is 600 pounds..."
    3) "...do you know how few people..."

    In want way does it not appear I am referring to the post above?

    EDIT: You know what? Report me. You think I did something wrong, report me.

    I DID NOT say this;

    "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross."

    So don't attack me for it. Because it wasn't me who posted it.
  • Heck, I'm fat and curvy..and as I lose weight I hope to stay curvy. To each it's own...

  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    to each their own, if it makes person feel better about them selves to say that i see no harm in it, i just dont get why people feel the need to attack people who say it. For the most part I do agree fat dont not = curvy, but like i said if someone calls them selves that I say more power to them, but just IMO
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    im a size 6 5foot and weigh 7stone and im still curvey :) just the way im built and i love my bum!!!
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