Fat =/= curvy



  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    But just because someone is overweight, like me, I'm still curvy to me and I'm fat.. i have a defined waist and hips... I'm a size 20. I'm getting fit and in shape, not because i'm ashamed of my body but because I want to be a better version of me. I have been told I'm too tiny for guys that like fat girls but too big for guys that like chunky girls... I don't understand why how someone labels themselves bothers people so much... if someone is happy with themselves, when do people enjoy tearing them down.

    Exactly. Curvy IS a shape, not a weight. Both overweight and normal weight people can be curvy. But to say you can't be curvy and overweight is simply inaccurate. The OP was objecting to people she found gross using a term that describes her as well. Curvy women have a relatively large waist to hip ratio.

    I'm the antithesis of curvy. I have an abnormally small waist to hip ratio. This was true when I was at my largest, it's true now, and it will be true when I'm at my goal. I'm thankful they have started making less-curvy women's clothes, because in the past I'd need to look in the Junior department for jeans that sit low on my hips. Misses jeans that fit at the waist are baggy in the hips, butt and thighs for me.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    I don't get irritated by it... possibly because I have more important things in my life than what "society" views as CURVY.. who cares? If you know what YOU are, that's really all that should matter to you.
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    I don't get irritated by it... possibly because I have more important things in my life than what "society" views as CURVY.. who cares? If you know what YOU are, that's really all that should matter to you.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • im a size 6 5foot and weigh 7stone and im still curvey :) just the way im built and i love my bum!!!

    Exactly! ^^This!
    I'm starting to like my body :) Love my booty as well
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I self-identify as curvy, and I do hate it when people assume i am just trying to politely say I am overweight, haha.

    Edited to clarify: I was on an online dating site for awhile, for example, and had my body type as "curvy" (i am a prototypical hourglass), and it turns out everyone thought I meant "overweight".
  • I had this conversation with my mum last night, she said she didn't think I really had a shape since I have lost weight because my curves have gone. They have not gone, but I have lost some of the fat off them, I still consider myself curvy, just a trimmer version.
    I think people just have different perceptions on what curvy is :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    To me curvy is the typical hourglass body shape with a small waist in proportion to the chest & hips. You can be 'curvy' at any size, its more about proportion than size.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    No, but I do find it irritating (gross, even) when people use the term 'grossly obese'.

    Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross.

    First of all, do you know how few people actually weigh 600 pounds? You weren't referring to 600 pound people and you know it. Those people never say they're "curvy." And the correct term for this, as pointed out, is MORBIDLY obese. Secondly, finding any people "gross" is cause for concern. They're PEOPLE for heaven's sake, and if you can't respect a person as a person because of how you feel about their appearance you need to assess your values because they're skewed.

    :S is this to me or to the person who actually posted "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross." <- because I DID NOT post that.

    That is what it's attached to. I clicked "Quote" and typed a reply to the comment. It looks to me like it follows that quote and it refers to the 600 pound people explicitly and says that if you can't respect people because of looks you have skewed values. I stand by all of that. I stand by the entire quote box, in order, as it is displayed on my computer.

    1) "...I do find it irritating..."
    2) "...someone is 600 pounds..."
    3) "...do you know how few people..."

    In want way does it not appear I am referring to the post above?

    EDIT: You know what? Report me. You think I did something wrong, report me.

    I DID NOT say this;

    "Sorry, but if someone is 600 pounds and grossly obese then i would be grossed out. I just find people who are that size gross."

    So don't attack me for it. Because it wasn't me who posted it.

    As I said, report me. I didn't attack you. I clearly replied to the comment above mine. Let a moderator decide if you are attacked by me replying to someone else. YOU attacked me and I have no problem with a mod settling it.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    well said Em

  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......
  • Agreed..
  • mysongislove930
    mysongislove930 Posts: 9 Member
    If women can't even respect other women, how do we expect men to treat us with respect? Who cares what another woman looks like and who cares what she calls herself. As long as she's happy, you need to be happy for her. It's not your problem to worry about someone who is obese and it's certainly not your place to judge her. Curvy, fat, skinny, obese, tall, short, whatever. We're all women and we all deserve to be treated like humans and to be treated with respect. If a women has rolls or if she has no hips at all, she's allowed identify with being curvy. There are no rules and it's stupid to let that offend you. Just because a fat woman thinks she's curvy, it does not mean everyone else is going to think you're fat, too.

    Women have enough problems in this world without having to deal with women putting each other down on a daily basis.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    I am not saying 'grossly obese' as in 'ew', I am using grossly obese as in the medical term, grossly meaning extremely. Please don't jump to conclusions.

    The word you're looking for is 'morbidly'.

    EXACTLY! In fact, the OP used "morbidly" in parentheses after "grossly" so she knew "grossly" was or might be offensive. "Grossly obese" is NOT a medical term, and it's easy to jump to conclusions when someone has not used the correct words.
  • Let's not hate on each other. If someone is morbidly obese and they wanna call themselves curvy will you die? Probably not....they're most likely in denial of their weight like we've all been. Let's encourage one another and find something else worth getting irritated about. Like the ongoing child obesity epidemic.

    Come on, stop fighting on this thread for something trivial!! :flowerforyou:
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    If women can't even respect other women, how do we expect men to treat us with respect? Who cares what another woman looks like and who cares what she calls herself. As long as she's happy, you need to be happy for her. It's not your problem to worry about someone who is obese and it's certainly not your place to judge her. Curvy, fat, skinny, obese, tall, short, whatever. We're all women and we all deserve to be treated like humans and to be treated with respect. If a women has rolls or if she has no hips at all, she's allowed identify with being curvy. There are no rules and it's stupid to let that offend you. Just because a fat woman thinks she's curvy, it does not mean everyone else is going to think you're fat, too.

    Women have enough problems in this world without having to deal with women putting each other down on a daily basis.

    Oh, ^^^^^THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!^^^^^
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member

    Christina Hendricks is the epitomy of curvy :love:
    Don't kid yourself; Hendricks is fat. Look at her when she's in a bikini not when she's all buttoned up in spanx and a dress. If she'd be 20-25 lbs lighter, she'd still be curvy, and healthier.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Reading comprehension is strong in this group.

    OP said that curvy is a shape and not a weight. She said you can be curvy and overweight. What is with all the pointless arguing? She can't have an opinion and share it on a forum? :huh:
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......


    Life is just like high school, except the food is better
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    If women can't even respect other women, how do we expect men to treat us with respect? Who cares what another woman looks like and who cares what she calls herself. As long as she's happy, you need to be happy for her. It's not your problem to worry about someone who is obese and it's certainly not your place to judge her. Curvy, fat, skinny, obese, tall, short, whatever. We're all women and we all deserve to be treated like humans and to be treated with respect. If a women has rolls or if she has no hips at all, she's allowed identify with being curvy. There are no rules and it's stupid to let that offend you. Just because a fat woman thinks she's curvy, it does not mean everyone else is going to think you're fat, too.

    Women have enough problems in this world without having to deal with women putting each other down on a daily basis.

    Oh, ^^^^^THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS!!!!!!^^^^^
    I THIS THIS TOO! :drinker:
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    My measurements are currently 43-34-43 at 183 pounds. My measurements when I was the same height, 12yo and 115 pounds were 34-30-34. I am never ever ever going to have a super tiny waist. Its just not how I am built. I would be annoyed for someone to call me curvy instead of fat right now. Because darn it I am fat lol.
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