

  • For me, I found that cutting out dairy made that problem stop. I don't even eat any cheese any more. I do have to start taking a calcium sipplement though. Try eliminating things that may be a trigger for oyu for one week at a time to determine if that is the culprit.
  • I did in the beginning but now I don't get those feelings as much. Yesterday was my birthday so I knew that I was going to go over my calorie goal. I went to the gym in the morning and did 40 min on the elliptical. By exercising I felt that I could put off the guilt feelings that I knew I would have otherwise. Don't feel…
  • WOW WOW WOW! You are amazing and insprational! You look amazing and 10 years younger. You should be so so proud of yourself! You are a ROCKSTAR!:happy:
  • Set realistic goals! Figure what your BMR is then set a goal at or around at least that much in order to lose weight. I have my calorie goals at 1500 per day but my BMR is 1624 calories per day. I also work out 3-4 days a week. I am not eating rabbit food and I am not feeling deprived. I have lost 21 lbs in about 5 weeks.…
  • Hi there! I am in this for the long haul myself! I have already lost 21 lbs and have become so motivated. I love this site and the phone app. I tell everyone that I can about it. I want to get back down to a size where I will feel comfortable having my picture taken. There are virtually no pix of me with my kids because I…
  • Welcome! This site and the phone app are amazing! I could not be reaching my goals without this great tool! Calorie counting has never been easier and the online community here is so supportive and they will cheer you on every step of the way! Here's to you and hubby and your weight loss goals!
  • I don't mean to sound dumb...but...what are exercise points?
  • Welcome!
  • Hello and welcome! This website and the smartphone app are incredible! Calorie counting has never been easier for me. I have the app on my android phone and with it you can actually scan in food that have a barcode. I have lost 15 lbs total since beginning. Here are some things that have worked for me... Cut out milk! I…