Help someone!!!!

I need some advice im new to this program but i dont know what to do. I want to loose my weight but dont know where to begin. I want to loose it quick lol. Any advice with food and working out


  • PincessMasson
    DO NOT skip any meals. Eat small portions 6-8 times a day. Lots of veggies and fruits
    If you are a muncher, freeze some grapes, they are great for nibbling on in the evening.

    Remember the longest journey begins with baby steps!!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    Well wanting to lose it quickly is the first thing you need to change. You will get discouraged because it doesn't come off quickly. And if you lose it quickly you're more than likely to gain back quickly. This is a life style change so you can keep it off for good.

    The next thing is you will need to stay within the parameters the MFP has set for you and use the tools. Change the way you cook and eat and think about food. Read labels and watch your sodium! Huge evil when trying to lose weight. Drink lots and lots of water, exercise and don't cheat. It will come off. Use your friends for support and the forums for information. You will do just fine!


    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!
  • findngme
    findngme Posts: 34
    DO NOT skip any meals. Eat small portions 6-8 times a day. Lots of veggies and fruits
    If you are a muncher, freeze some grapes, they are great for nibbling on in the evening.

    Remember the longest journey begins with baby steps!!

    i couldn't have said it better! one thing i will add is that there's no quick way to lose the weight, if you want to keep it off, you need to change your lifestyle. also, make sure you always meet your min calorie requirement. you don't need to eat calories that you burn with exercise but you do need to eat enough to keep your body functioning properly.

    good luck and don't give up!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I need some advice im new to this program but i dont know what to do. I want to loose my weight but dont know where to begin. I want to loose it quick lol. Any advice with food and working out

    if you lose it quick you gain it back quick. When you work at it and lost it slow then you will have a better chance of keeping it off. Don't get discouraged. MFP is a great place to begin. Log every day. Exercise every day.
  • findngme
    findngme Posts: 34
    Well wanting to lose it quickly is the first thing you need to change.

    exactly! one of my mfp's said "it took a long time to gain the weight, it's going to take a long time to lose it"
  • allisonmvieira
    Set realistic goals! Figure what your BMR is then set a goal at or around at least that much in order to lose weight. I have my calorie goals at 1500 per day but my BMR is 1624 calories per day. I also work out 3-4 days a week. I am not eating rabbit food and I am not feeling deprived. I have lost 21 lbs in about 5 weeks. Use this app EVERY DAY and use the phone app if you can. Calorie counting is so super easy with this. The community here is awesome too. Everyone is so supportive!
  • johnnieb
    johnnieb Posts: 27 Member
    Log EVERYTHING you eat! It will be an eye-opener, it was for me. I agree--no skipping meals, it doesn't help. Lots of fruits, veggies and low cal snacks. If you have time plan out what you will eat all day (easier when you pack a bag and leave for work for 12 hrs ;) Don't deny yourself some of the things you like--I always have dark chocolate of some sort around. If that's what I really, really want, nothing else will make me feel satisfied. I have lots of tiny bowls and baggies for making "appropriate" sized snacks. And find a workout you actually enjoy! Good luck with your journey! You're going to feel amazing!!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Fill out your profile (so people know a little about you. You are more likely to get more friends if there is a little bit about you there) and go through all the steps to set up your "goals". It will calculate the calories you need to take in, along with carbs, protein, fat, sodium, etc. based on your weight, sex, and activity level. You enter in how much you want to lose a week. It won't allow you to enter in some ridiculous amount...I think 2 pounds a week is about the norm. After that, use the food diary to enter in EVERYTHING you eat....catsup, dressing, pats of butter, etc. There is a database of thousands and thousands of foods that have already been entered. You just type what you are searching for and find the correct one. I always compare the nutrition info on my label with what it gives me. The stuff in the database have been entered by members of MFP, so some of them are not accurate. If there is something you eat that is not in the database, you can add it yourself. Also, start recording your exercise. The exercise diary will calculate exercise calories (adding them back to your total). It is important to make sure you "net" the suggested calorie count after exercise (or at least a good portion of them). If not, your body will go into starvation mode and you wont lose. Don't take it off too fast. It doesn't stay off if it comes off too fast. We gain our weight over a long period of time, it is going to take patience to get it off. Good luck!
  • jeromy75
    jeromy75 Posts: 112
    The quick mindset is often, if not always, a dangerous one. When you are getting healthy, it becomes a lifestyle change. You are replacing bad habits with good habits. This takes some times.

    Make your ultimate goal. Withing that, make several small goals. As you reach each of those small goals, you will see your accomplishment.

    Journal journal journal - When you get the urge to snack, write down how you are feeling, what your settings are (time, place, activity), and your mood. Start adjusting your lifestyle to adjust these sensations.

    Create a plan - When you want to snack or eat unhealthy, know exactly what you are going to do to keep it healthy. Have a small healthy snack (handful of almonds for example). Go get busy (a new hobby?).

    These are just a few ideas. You have made a huge step by joining MFP and expressing your concern.

    I'm excited for you. You'll do great.
  • 16henryk
    16henryk Posts: 7
    Eat the rainbow of fruits and vegetables!