

  • My father used to call me the 'Crisco Kid'....because I was 'fat in the can'.... Thank god that I had a great sense of humor. I used to hate my big booty. It took two decades before I realized that it was an *kitten*-et :o) LOL Thank god having an apple bottom is a thing to be admired now...its my favorite physical feature…
  • You can do it!! Feel free to add me! I go through ups and downs too!!! I also need all the support I can get...
  • :laugh: I woke up this morning and said to my husband - quoting this exact commercial - "GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS??? HUMP DAAAAAY!!" LOL
  • It HURTS!!!! Hurts f**king bad to get them least it did for me (I had them done twice, the first I took out because of my deployment overseas, then they closed and a couple years later I went and had them redone) but D-A-M-N, that was a pretty torturous experience (and note, I have a high pain tolerance).…
  • Hooah!! I am also training for my first half...its at the end of October.... Go us!! :smile:
  • Oh yeah....I also have an irrational fear of quick sand.... Haven't thought about it in awhile (thank you very much for bringing up the fear issue so that I can now stress about it again :smile: )
  • AMEN to that!! Today whilst on my run, I nearly broke my ankle jumping out of the way when one ran in front of me...had the heebie jeebies for the rest of run...ugh! Nasty, ugly, scary things!!!
  • My calorie goal is 1450....normally, I eat back most of my exercise I earned an extra 800 from my run...not sure if I'll eat back all of those calories....between two jobs, commuting and family life, sometimes it can be a challenge :smile:
  • :laugh: your mother was a hamster and your father stinks of elderberries... Just quote Monty Python and you will always find happiness On a more serious note....I'm surprised more people in this world don't find themselves on the receiving end of of these days, that chick is going to find herself in a world of…
  • AWWWWWW.....I'd scoop him up :love:
  • YES!!! :laugh: My whole family is from that area...had Cops and Doughnuts before, but never the Squealer....
  • I had a Boxer before I left for Iraq (I had to find him a new home because I was leaving)....and he had: ate the couch cushions, pulled the gutter off the house all the way to the soffiting, destroyed three pairs of shoes, countless end tables, ate my moms pantry shelves in her back room while we went shopping for the day…
  • Yeah...I might have to pass on the Pit attacked by one last month (and a set of rabies shots to go with it), kind of gun shy with that breed right now :noway: :laugh:
  • That is a really good idea! :smile:
  • For us 'pears' I don't think that skinny jeans were made for 'us'...or to be honest, any female for that matter! Which is fine, because quite frankly, they look better on Lil Wayne!! Women have curves, ya'll!!! I don't want to wear something that is flattering on a 12 year old boy!! :laugh:
  • Work with dumbells...evenly on both will provide you with symetry (sp) becuase they are both using the same amount of weight...if you are using curl bars or other types of 'straight' bars, you will naturally compensate for your weaker arm/side, giving you an imbalanced look...
  • Hell yeah I would log it :smile: I mean, if you are walking there as part of your 'workout' and warm up, why not? That is a mile and a half round trip....15-20 minutes of additional work out time (if you were walking 15 min miles)....
  • I'm a stomach sleeper all the way....I don't have any advice for you on the pillow front, but I do have to position my pillow in kind of a wierd position for me to be comfortable (the corner of one end under my cheek, the length of it running down my side, arm slung over it...kind of like I'm snuggling with it)...pillow…
  • Wow...I think this is what is happening to me.... I haven't gained anything over the last week....but I havent lost anything either....I am utterly exhausted (working over 15 hours a day...working on less than 5 hours of sleep a night, which for me, is not a good thing) and I have noticed that I have started to crave some…
  • THAT TOTALLY SUCKS DUDE!!! Mine has actually increased....due to feeling sexier perhaps :tongue:
  • I wouldn't say it is excuses....but more of trap that a person can fall into when the significant other shows no interest or (like in my case) makes the person feel guilty for wanting to spend time excersing or eating better meals, etc.... My husband is the same way....he gets mad at me when I want to go for a run on my…
  • My bed....or couch with an episode of Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, South Park or the Big Bang Theory.... I literally cannot get my *kitten* off of it once I'm on it!!
  • For my hubby I would have to say his lips :o)
  • I would say, "Yeah, but my boobs are so much bigger and look amazing!"
  • God, people suck!!!! :mad: I am happy to hear that you feel beautiful on the inside....don't let naysayers make you feel as though your worth is less becuase of what they see on the outside....:flowerforyou:
  • I got serious when I lost my job because of my weight and fitness.... Yup....that is right, I lost my job.... Thats what happens when you are in the military and fall out of regulation....
  • I actually really appreciate this post.....
  • Hypothetical or not....... This........was.......hysterical......:laugh: Oh, and by the way....hypothetically just throw the 'ducks' out!!
  • I am so over summer....but then again, I always am!! I am not a hot weather person at all!! I love fall and winter....although, I shouldn't complain too much right now, our summer here in Michigan has been pretty 'cool', just a few sweltering days, but otherwise, a toleralbe temp.... Bring on the snow!!! Thats right....I…