what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    As a teen, my dad once said that i had the body of a girl while pointing at my moobs. And that was in front of the whole family. He went on to add that i might have some kind of hormonal disorder insinuating i am not a full functioning man. For a guy entering puberty, that was the worst thing he could have said to me and i gave up on trying to find a gf ever thinking there is something wrong with me.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Worst thing i have ever been called.......Lucifers son
    Would have taken it as a compliment.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    As a teen, my dad once said that i had the body of a girl while pointing at my moobs. And that was in front of the whole family. He went on to add that i might have some kind of hormonal disorder insinuating i am not a full functioning man. For a guy entering puberty, that was the worst thing he could have said to me and i gave up on trying to find a gf ever thinking there is something wrong with me.
    Irony is you were already more mature than he was at that age.

    Hope you guys have patched things up.
  • Practically everything negative regarding my weight. The only ones that were supportive were my family and TRUE friends. Hypothyroidism and PCOS have been a burden to me.

    Reading these other posts brought back a lot of bad memories from school...and flashbacks of my really bad temper (I had a habit of just beating people down that had insulted me). Now, I need to hold myself back from punching a wall...
  • cancer patient
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    The clothing store people called me short and plumpy :(
  • In highschool I got called mantits a lot.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Pathetic by my ex-husband, that's right he's my ex and he's fat now. So who's pathetic now fatty? huh, who?
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    "Not one of the good ones"
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    Me, too. The worse, though, was my mother, when she would refer to me as her: "loud-mouth-trouble-maker", as if I should be proud of it. Psycho Witch. And then, when I broke up with my first two mates, the insults were just non-repeatable. So rotten. Peeps don't know how to self-regulate their own anger and so, take it out on others. Sad. And mean!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    My dad asked me if I was pregnant once... because my body was literally stretched out to where it was 16 weeks "pregnant." But it was because I had 5 massive tumors (the largest was the size of a football) in my uterus. Two surgeries later to remove the tumors and a loss of several pounds, he then told me I looked anorexic. le sigh. It hurts to have your weight poked and thrown in your face. But i'm doing this for me -- no one else. I'm back on my mission to thin and healthy. :)
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    RBA!! road block action .. that was the worst.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    "Nazi" by a customer where I worked years ago because of my German name (Gretchen). :noway:
  • My father used to call me the 'Crisco Kid'....because I was 'fat in the can'....

    Thank god that I had a great sense of humor. I used to hate my big booty. It took two decades before I realized that it was an *kitten*-et :o) LOL
    Thank god having an apple bottom is a thing to be admired now...its my favorite physical feature on myself :o)

    So now, I take pride in the nickname my father gave me as a kid :o)
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    One time I was referred to as "The Defendant". That kinda sucked...

    Don't worry all charges were dropped and I was back to making the evil the next day.
  • I am really small, but I have a big belly. I always have. I usually hide it under jackets or hoodies, but for some reason when people first notice they ALWAYS have to say something. The first time was when I was probably 11. A friend from school came over unexpectedly, took one look at me, and said "damn, you got a chunky belly." Then he poked it.

    When I took my apron off at work once one of my coworkers was like "wow, you're actually pretty thick."

    I know it's not the worst to be able to hide a big belly, but I wish that everyone I met wouldn't feel the need to comment on it. It makes me want to hide forever.

    My abusive ex also called me a bunch of crazy names like 'idiot, slut, ect.", but those things don't hurt as much because I know they aren't true.
  • :brokenheart:
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    a large waste of existance and how Id only ever be good for one thing, laying on my back. -by my stepmother at the time.

    in high school i was the "jolly green giant" becaue i was taller than all the girls and most of the boys. (im 6'1") . It bothered be a lot. Especially when you like the shorter boys.

    I've overheard people at the beach laugh and say that whales belong in the water, I've since stopped going to the beach, which i love, because I just couldn't handle it. People are cruel.

    Im learning to get over it one day at a time.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    My dad would always tell me that I'm getting big because my stomach would poke out. -.-

    Do we have the same Dad? My father was very obsessed with image and how the person looked without caring a jot for the person you were inside, as long as you looked good that was all that matters.

    I have very little to do with him..
  • Good for you!! 2 years is awesome
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Emotionless or ice queen.

    Lovely thing to call someone who is most definitely over-emotional and just hides it well.

    In junior high, when people noticed I existed I would get called "Tall & Ugly" because I was so much taller than everyone for years and well, ugly.

    Things like that sure stick with you.

    I have the worst self esteem :brokenheart:
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I know how it feels to be the bunt of the joke. My family is all tall and naturally thin, or extremely fit. Now me? I'm 4'11'' and right now I'm 172 lbs. The worst thing about fighting with my 5'10'' younger sister was that she knows exactly how to hurt me. I am and have always been very self-conscious about my weight. So that's what she would attack.

    "Look at me I'm sooo pretty and skinny, now look at your fat, ugly *kitten*."
    "You might as well go die because no one would ever want you anyways."
    "Are you sure you want to wear that? You look like a ****ing whale."
    "Yeah fattie, just keep working out. All you're doing is making yourself tired, it'll never work for your fat *kitten*."

    Since then I've tried losing weight but her comments always stuck with me. Until this time. I'm with a wonderful man who honestly loves me as I am and just wants me to be happy. He realizes that I'm unsatisfied with my weight and is actually doing this with me, but he's also helping me see that I don't need to lose weight to keep him (this stemmed from the fact that I've had six boyfriends and 4 have cheated on me with my sister). I'm finally at peace with myself. I hope everyone here who has been hurt by someone else's words realizes that you are all beautiful and talented and that love from others is only important once you have self-love :) stay strong, friends.

    Probably not my place to say this but you have a seriously crappy sister! Glad you have a supportive man in your life. Keep up the awesomeness :)
  • So here I go,
    The worst thing that was ever said to me was by my 4th grade teacher, it was a meeting with my parents and I was in the room. He said to my mother that I was slow, useless and stupid. I was going to have to marry someone to make it anywhere in life. That stuck with me FOREVER.... The problem was that I wasn't slow, I never paid attention cause I was bored, I was very creative and only liked to do what I liked to do. I kicked *kitten* at english and social, not so much with math and science. Because of his words I went threw the rest of school thinking I couldnt do it cause I was stupid so I never ever applied myself

    Also my dad told me to "get it threw my thick skull" when I was about 8 years old and when I was 17 he said he would always love me but he didnt like me
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    "Bottomless pit" by my dad
    "garbage disposal" by my husband
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    "Post-menopausal shrew" ( on this very site). Still makes me chuckle.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    i think that i have been called every mean name under the sun! but worse than anything was when my boyfriend told me he finds other women attractive because i'm too big for him. he was taking a shot at my weight knowing how much it was going to hurt, but he has since apologized and explained his frustrations (as I have mine) I still think about it a lot though.

    This only the opposite, my hubby has checked out women that are fat and has said that he finds them attractive, it is really hard to have any trust in a person that talks like that. Remember to lose the weight for only YOU and NOT him. Just in life in general I have been asked when the baby is due when I am not pregnant, fat *****, ugly, retard, fat and disgusting, scary looking , idiot, stupid lol the list could go on.
    The reason why insults like stupid, retard etc. hurt me so much is because I have ADHD and dyslexia and have been called those names by my step dad, other kids and teachers since I was about 4 yrs old right up to my early 20's when I finally started standing up for myself and fighting back, it helps that I am a scorpio so I am a bit venomous anyway lol and always ready to go!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    "Fat *kitten* white trash wh*re"
    My response was to slap the crap out of the guy's face.

    There's a whole story behind it but... yeah, it was pretty intense.

    If we're talking specifically from our parents, probably when my mom called me an "insane b!tch" to my face when I was maybe 14?
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Jabba the Hut :sad:
  • AprilSchulte10
    AprilSchulte10 Posts: 95 Member
    My parents were tall and lean. My Dad would call me SHORT AND DUMPY. It stays with me til this day. I am at maintenance now but I am only 5'4 and still curvy, could never been what they wanted if I stood on my head. Tall and Lanky could never be me.

    I guess they were disappointed when I started gaining weight at around 16, got up to around 208 but my gosh they acted like it was just terrible. Had me crying many times. They are really the only ones that gave me a hard time if that tells you something. Status and size was so important to them. Well now I know it was them and there are plenty of mean people out there, just wondering what you have been called and hope you know it is not you. Some people just like to pick on people. LIke the lady I just read about who was yelled at when she was walking and they yelled well you are still fat! This made me think of this.

    Yup! My Grandpa was like that. He is a fat disabled man but he still would tell me how I'm fat and will never find a husband. BAM IN YOUR FACE GRANDPA!
  • PiHead
    PiHead Posts: 1
    Pregnant, when I wasn't.