

  • I am slowly warming up to cooking but I'm still afraid of the stove (long story) but I can make Roman noodles and mac and cheese but those aren't exactly healthy.
  • Thanks this really helped. Umm no I only had a yogurt. I don't really know what to do because I've suffered from a eating disorder where I don't really eat much. I usually eat two big meals a day and don't really exercise. But lately I've been trying to change that. Oh and I can't cook so it kinda hinders my eating options.
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I have started to cut out soda, fast food, and high sugar content foods. I only drink water and crystal light with an occasional tea here and there. I am for now just wanting to get where my hips don't hurt anymore as my Dr says that where I'm 90-100lbs overweight I am crushing my hips with…
  • Wow you look amazing! :) I'm 5.5" and 215 and I want to be 115-120 by next march with a six pack.