3 pounds a week New Year's challenge

MadeOfFire93 Posts: 9
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
My personal goal is to lose 3lbs a week until New Year's, so I'd be 39lbs lighter by the beginning of next year.
Current weight: 221lbs
Goal weight: 182lbs

I also plan on drinking more water and eating less junk food. As for exercise I am limited to walking and bike riding due to my hips so I'm going to ride my bike around town every day untill the snow hits and then I'll start walking.

Any one want to join me on this challenge? :-)


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I hope you're ready for this.... wait for it.
  • MadeOfFire93
    Wait for what? 0.o
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That you realistically will not continue to lose 3 lbs per week towards your goal. At best, you'll likely lose 2 lbs per week at the beginning; but as your fat mass lowers, your body's capacity to oxidize fat per day decreases. This means as your fat mass decreases, less and less energy goes to burning fat. For example, I have 21 lbs of total fat mass. Because of this, I only lose about 0.3 to 0.5 lbs per week at most due to my degree of leanness. This is why fat loss gets slower as one loses body fat.
  • tarag1993
    it isn't healthy to lose 3 pounds a week. it will seem to fall off at first whch happened to me since I lived a sedentary lifestyle with my job in the military *weird I know* but after the initial weight loss I have leveled out to 1 pound a week or less... otherwise if you are losing 3 pounds a week that means ur body is eating its own muscle and ur body is craving nutrients which will back fire in the long run :(. I know ur goal but tryyyyy to just lose a pound a week. much healthier for you
  • tarag1993
    I agree with this!
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